Java Synchronized Block for .Class

Java Synchronized Block for .class

The snippet synchronized(X.class) uses the class instance as a monitor. As there is only one class instance (the object representing the class metadata at runtime) one thread can be in this block.

With synchronized(this) the block is guarded by the instance. For every instance only one thread may enter the block.

synchronized(X.class) is used to make sure that there is exactly one Thread in the block. synchronized(this) ensures that there is exactly one thread per instance. If this makes the actual code in the block thread-safe depends on the implementation. If mutate only state of the instance synchronized(this) is enough.

synchronized(this) vs synchronized(MyClass.class)

MyClass.class and this are different things, they are different references to different objects.

this - is a reference to this particular instance of the class, and

MyClass.class - is a reference to the MyClass description object.

These synchronization blocks differ in that the first will synchronize all threads that deal concretely with this instance of MyClass, and the second one will synchronize all threads independently of which object on which method was called.

Reflection class in synchronized block

JVM has a monitor or otherwise called intristic flag related with the class meta information which are stored in some specific place in memory (permGen or metaspace). In that place a single monitor flag exists and is related with the class it self and not some instance of that class.

synchronized (Singleton.class) will capture this flag in permgen memory (before jdk 8) or in metaspace memory (jdk 8 and after) .

JVM also has a separate monitor flag for every class instance which is stored in heap.

synchronized (this) will capture the flag of a specific instance in heap memory which is pointed by this when that instance was invoked.

Those flags work in the same way but are just different flags. So only 1 thread can require to capture the flag and other threads should wait for this flag to be released before they can capture it and access the code. It is up to you and your requirements if you lock the static flag or the instance flag but the concept is the same. Not 2 threads can hold the same flag at the same time. 1 will block and wait for the flag to be released before it can access the synchronized code.

Note: this will not work inside a static method. In this case you have available only the flag related with the class it self. You can still though use both of those type of flags in non static method.

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