Java: Static Class

Static Classes In Java

Java has static nested classes but it sounds like you're looking for a top-level static class. Java has no way of making a top-level class static but you can simulate a static class like this:

  • Declare your class final - Prevents extension of the class since extending a static class makes no sense
  • Make the constructor private - Prevents instantiation by client code as it makes no sense to instantiate a static class
  • Make all the members and functions of the class static - Since the class cannot be instantiated no instance methods can be called or instance fields accessed
  • Note that the compiler will not prevent you from declaring an instance (non-static) member. The issue will only show up if you attempt to call the instance member

Simple example per suggestions from above:

public class TestMyStaticClass {
public static void main(String []args){
System.out.println("Static value: " + MyStaticClass.getMyStaticMember());
System.out.println("Value squared: " + MyStaticClass.squareMyStaticMember());
// MyStaticClass x = new MyStaticClass(); // results in compile time error

// A top-level Java class mimicking static class behavior
public final class MyStaticClass {
private MyStaticClass () { // private constructor
myStaticMember = 1;
private static int myStaticMember;
public static void setMyStaticMember(int val) {
myStaticMember = val;
public static int getMyStaticMember() {
return myStaticMember;
public static int squareMyStaticMember() {
return myStaticMember * myStaticMember;

What good are static classes? A good use of a static class is in defining one-off, utility and/or library classes where instantiation would not make sense. A great example is the Math class that contains some mathematical constants such as PI and E and simply provides mathematical calculations. Requiring instantiation in such a case would be unnecessary and confusing. See the Math class and source code. Notice that it is final and all of its members are static. If Java allowed top-level classes to be declared static then the Math class would indeed be static.

Why is a static class illegal in Java?

You can't create a top level static class; that's what the compiler is trying to tell you. Also have a look at the answer here as to why this is the case. The gist is:

What the static boils down to is that an instance of the class can
stand on its own. Or, the other way around: a non-static inner class
(= instance inner class) cannot exist without an instance of the outer
class. Since a top-level class does not have an outer class, it can't
be anything but static.

Because all top-level classes are static, having the static keyword in
a top-level class definition is pointless.

what are the main differences between a Java/C# static class?

Static classes in Java are one of three kinds of nested classes provided by the language (the other two being non-static nested classes and function-scoped classes).

Static classes of Java behave the same way that nested classes of C#: they have access to static members of the enclosing class, but cannot access instance members without an additional reference to the enclosing object. In contrast, non-static nested functions can access instance variables, but you need an enclosing instance in order to be instantiated.

What does it mean, when we create many instances of static class?

A static class is a nested class (i.e. it is declared within another class). It behaves like a top level class, which means you can create multiple instances of it.

It doesn't have much in common with static methods or static variables.

Concept Behind Static classes in Java

A copy paste from oracle:

Static Nested Classes

As with class methods and variables, a static nested class is associated with its outer class. And like static class methods, a static nested class cannot refer directly to instance variables or methods defined in its enclosing class — it can use them only through an object reference.

Note: A static nested class interacts with the instance members of its outer class (and other classes) just like any other top-level class. In effect, a static nested class is behaviorally a top-level class that has been nested in another top-level class for packaging convenience.
Static nested classes are accessed using the enclosing class name:


For example, to create an object for the static nested class, use this syntax:

OuterClass.StaticNestedClass nestedObject =
new OuterClass.StaticNestedClass();

An example:

There is no need for LinkedList.Entry or Map.Entry to be top-level class as it is only used by LinkedList aka Map. And since they do not need access to the outer class members, it makes sense for it to be static - it's a much cleaner approach.

Oracle Java tutorial - static classes - possible error in tutorial

Is this a mistake in the tutorial, or am I maybe not understanding something well?

You are understanding perfectly. The tutorial page is misleading, at best.

There are two separate notions going on here:

  1. Whether you have permission to access a thing within the rules of Java access control (e.g., private, package-private, protected, public).

  2. The meaning of "static". An instance of an "inner" nested class is always associated with an instance of the enclosing class (storing a reference to the enclosing class instance in a hidden instance field of the inner class). A "static" nested class doesn't have that.

The tutorial page is confusing the two notions.

A nested class is a member of its enclosing class.


Non-static nested classes (inner classes) have access to other members of the enclosing class, even if they are declared private. Static nested classes do not have access to other members of the enclosing class.


By supplying the instance yourself, you see that static classes do indeed have access to members of the enclosing class, including private instance fields, hence why a.x++; in your example compiles. That's access.

By using the words "access" and "private", the paragraph strongly suggests it is talking about access control within the definition given in the Java Language Specification. But it isn't. It is only trying to explain notion #2, about how instances of enclosing classes are associated with nested classes. And even then, it's still wrong, because static nested classes certainly have access to static members of the enclosing class, which the paragraph says they don't. Whoever wrote that page was sloppy.

Note: A static nested class interacts with the instance members of its outer class (and other classes) just like any other top-level class. In effect, a static nested class is behaviorally a top-level class that has been nested in another top-level class for packaging convenience.

This paragraph is still talking about what static means. It is not trying to say anything about access control, although it has the potential to be misunderstood.

Here is the correct access control rule, given by JLS§6.6.1 – Determining Accessibility:

[If] the member or constructor is declared private, [..] access is permitted if and only if it occurs within the body of the top-level class (§7.6) that encloses the declaration of the member or constructor.

That definition is surprisingly short, but it covers everything relevant here.

It means that all nested classes (because they are "within the body of the top-level class") have access to all members and constructors of the enclosing class, regardless of whether the nested class is static or instance, and regardless of whether the accessed thing is static or instance.

Further, all nested classes also have access to all members and constructors of all other nested classes within the same top-level class.

And the top-level class has access to all members and constructors of all classes nested within it.

The sentence of the JLS I quoted refers to private access. But if the member or constructor is not private, then its access level can only be more permissive, at least package access, and classes enclosed within the same top-level type are inevitably in the same package too, so they would be accessible to each other even without special treatment.

Basically, the top-level (non-enclosed) class and everything within it constitute a nest. Everything within that nest can access everything else within it, in principle. If it's an instance member, you also need to somehow obtain an instance first, but that's always true.

Is there a way to load a static class without an object?

If you want to force the class's static initializer to run without creating an instance, you need to initialize the class with Class.forName("somepackage.SomeClass"); -- see the Javadoc.

Java inner class and static nested class

From the Java Tutorial:

Nested classes are divided into two categories: static and non-static. Nested classes that are declared static are simply called static nested classes. Non-static nested classes are called inner classes.

Static nested classes are accessed using the enclosing class name:


For example, to create an object for the static nested class, use this syntax:

OuterClass.StaticNestedClass nestedObject = new OuterClass.StaticNestedClass();

Objects that are instances of an inner class exist within an instance of the outer class. Consider the following classes:

class OuterClass {
class InnerClass {

An instance of InnerClass can exist only within an instance of OuterClass and has direct access to the methods and fields of its enclosing instance.

To instantiate an inner class, you must first instantiate the outer class. Then, create the inner object within the outer object with this syntax:

OuterClass outerObject = new OuterClass()
OuterClass.InnerClass innerObject = InnerClass();

see: Java Tutorial - Nested Classes

For completeness note that there is also such a thing as an inner class without an enclosing instance:

class A {
int t() { return 1; }
static A a = new A() { int t() { return 2; } };

Here, new A() { ... } is an inner class defined in a static context and does not have an enclosing instance.

Java best practice: Class with only static methods

I would say you're doing it right. Apart of that, some advices for your utility class:

  • Make sure it doesn't have any state. This is, there's no field in the class unless it's declared static final. Also, make sure this field is immutable as well e.g. Strings.
  • Make sure it cannot be a super class of other classes. Make the class final so other programmers cannot extend it.
  • This one is debatable, but you may declare a no-arg constructor private, so no other class could create an instance of your utility class (using reflection or something similar will do, but there's no need to go that protective with the class). Why you may not do this? Well, this is the strange case where you want/need to inject an instance of the utility class e.g. through an interface rather than directly using it along your class. Here's an example of this. This design is really odd but may happen (as shown in the link above), but if you will not run in such case, the best advice is to keep the constructor private.

There are lot of libraries that provide utility classes in order to help us programmers with our work. One of the most known is Apache Common set of libraries. It's open source and you can check the code to see how they design these utility classes in order to create yours. (DISCLAIMER: I do not work or support these libraries, I'm a happy user of them)

Important Note: Avoid using a singleton for your utility class.

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