How to Make Cartesian Product with Java 8 Streams

How can I make Cartesian product with Java 8 streams?

You can solve this using the recursive flatMap chain.

First as we need to move back and forth by the map values, it's better to copy them to the ArrayList (this is not the deep copy, in your case it's ArrayList of 3 elements only, so the additional memory usage is low).

Second, to maintain a prefix of previously visited elements, let's create a helper immutable Prefix class:

private static class Prefix<T> {
final T value;
final Prefix<T> parent;

Prefix(Prefix<T> parent, T value) {
this.parent = parent;
this.value = value;

// put the whole prefix into given collection
<C extends Collection<T>> C addTo(C collection) {
if (parent != null)
return collection;

This is very simple immutable linked list which can be used like this:

List<String> list = new Prefix<>(new Prefix<>(new Prefix<>(null, "a"), "b"), "c")
.addTo(new ArrayList<>()); // [a, b, c];

Next, let's create the internal method which chains flatMaps:

private static <T, C extends Collection<T>> Stream<C> comb(
List<? extends Collection<T>> values, int offset, Prefix<T> prefix,
Supplier<C> supplier) {
if (offset == values.size() - 1)
return values.get(offset).stream()
.map(e -> new Prefix<>(prefix, e).addTo(supplier.get()));
return values.get(offset).stream()
.flatMap(e -> comb(values, offset + 1, new Prefix<>(prefix, e), supplier));

Looks like recursion, but it's more complex: it doesn't call itself directly, but passed lambda which calls the outer method. Parameters:

  • values: the List of original values (new ArrayList<>(map.values) in your case).
  • offset: the current offset within this list
  • prefix: the current prefix of length offset (or null if offset == 0). It contains currently selected elements from the collections list.get(0), list.get(1) up to list.get(offset-1).
  • supplier: the factory method to create the resulting collection.

When we reached the end of the values list (offset == values.size() - 1), we map the elements of the last collection from the values to the final combination using the supplier. Otherwise we use the flatMap which for each intermediate element enlarges the prefix and calls the comb method again for the next offset.

Finally here's public method to use this feature:

public static <T, C extends Collection<T>> Stream<C> ofCombinations(
Collection<? extends Collection<T>> values, Supplier<C> supplier) {
if (values.isEmpty())
return Stream.empty();
return comb(new ArrayList<>(values), 0, null, supplier);

A usage example:

Map<String, Collection<String>> map = new LinkedHashMap<>(); // to preserve the order
map.put("A", Arrays.asList("a1", "a2", "a3", "a4"));
map.put("B", Arrays.asList("b1", "b2", "b3"));
map.put("C", Arrays.asList("c1", "c2"));

ofCombinations(map.values(), LinkedHashSet::new).forEach(System.out::println);

We collect individual combinations to the LinkedHashSet again to preserve the order. You can use any other collection instead (e.g. ArrayList::new).

Cartesian product of streams in Java 8 as stream (using streams only)

Passing the streams in your example is never better than passing Lists:

private static <T> Stream<T> cartesian(BinaryOperator<T> aggregator, List<T>... lists) {

And use it like this:

Stream<String> result = cartesian(
(a, b) -> a + b,
Arrays.asList("A", "B"),
Arrays.asList("K", "L"),
Arrays.asList("X", "Y")

In both cases you create an implicit array from varargs and use it as data source, thus the laziness is imaginary. Your data is actually stored in the arrays.

In most of the cases the resulting Cartesian product stream is much longer than the inputs, thus there's practically no reason to make the inputs lazy. For example, having five lists of five elements (25 in total), you will have the resulting stream of 3125 elements. So storing 25 elements in the memory is not very big problem. Actually in most of the practical cases they are already stored in the memory.

In order to generate the stream of Cartesian products you need to constantly "rewind" all the streams (except the first one). To rewind, the streams should be able to retrieve the original data again and again, either buffering them somehow (which you don't like) or grabbing them again from the source (colleciton, array, file, network, random numbers, etc.) and perform again and again all the intermediate operations. If your source and intermediate operations are slow, then lazy solution may be much slower than buffering solution. If your source is unable to produce the data again (for example, random numbers generator which cannot produce the same numbers it produced before), your solution will be incorrect.

Nevertheless totally lazy solution is possbile. Just use not streams, but stream suppliers:

private static <T> Stream<T> cartesian(BinaryOperator<T> aggregator,
Supplier<Stream<T>>... streams) {
.reduce((s1, s2) ->
() -> s1.get().flatMap(t1 -> s2.get().map(t2 -> aggregator.apply(t1, t2))))

The solution is interesting as we create and reduce the stream of suppliers to get the resulting supplier and finally call it. Usage:

Stream<String> result = cartesian(
(a, b) -> a + b,
() -> Stream.of("A", "B"),
() -> Stream.of("K", "L"),
() -> Stream.of("X", "Y")

Cartesian product using Java Streams

This is possible with a bit of functional programming magic. Here's method which accepts Collection<Collection<Collection<T>>> and produces Stream<Collection<T>>:

static <T> Stream<Collection<T>> cartesianProduct(Collection<Collection<Collection<T>>> arr)
.<Supplier<Stream<Collection<T>>>> map(c -> c::stream)
.reduce((s1, s2) -> () -> s1.get().flatMap(
a -> s2.get().map(b -> Stream.concat(,
.orElseGet(() -> () -> Stream.<Collection<T>>of(Collections.emptyList()))

Usage example:

Arrays.asList(Arrays.asList("E"), Arrays.asList("L", "M", "N"))))


[D, E]
[D, L, M, N]

Of course instead of .forEach() you can collect the results to the List if you want to return Collection<Collection<T>> instead, but returning Stream seems more flexible to me.

A bit of explanation:

Here we create a stream of stream suppliers via map(c -> c::stream). Each function of this stream may produce by demand a stream of the corresponding collection elements. We do this because streams a once off (otherwise having stream of streams would be enough). After that we reduce this stream of suppliers creating a new supplier for each pair which flatMaps two streams and maps their elements to the concatenated lists. The orElseGet part is necessary to handle the empty input. The last .get() just calls the final stream supplier to get the resulting stream.

Stream of cartesian product of other streams, each element as a List?

A possible solution is as follows:

private static <T> Stream<List<T>> product(Stream<T>... streams) {
if (streams.length == 0) {
return Stream.empty();
List<List<T>> cartesian = streams[streams.length - 1]
.map(x -> Collections.singletonList(x))
for (int i = streams.length - 2; i >= 0; i--) {
final List<List<T>> previous = cartesian;
cartesian = streams[i].flatMap(x -> -> {
final List<T> list = new ArrayList<T>(p.size() + 1);
return list;

public static void main(String... args) {
final Stream<List<String>> result =
Stream.of("A", "B", "C", "D"),
Stream.of("I", "J", "K"),
Stream.of("Y", "Z")


The product-call returns a Stream<List<String>> result which prints as

[A, I, Y]
[A, I, Z]
[A, J, Y]
[A, J, Z]
[A, K, Y]
[A, K, Z]
[B, I, Y]
[B, I, Z]
[B, J, Y]
[B, J, Z]
[B, K, Y]
[B, K, Z]
[C, I, Y]
[C, I, Z]
[C, J, Y]
[C, J, Z]
[C, K, Y]
[C, K, Z]
[D, I, Y]
[D, I, Z]
[D, J, Y]
[D, J, Z]
[D, K, Y]
[D, K, Z]

How to create a self join cartesian product of a set with java stream

Do below code:

Set<String> set = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList("A", "B", "C"));

Set<String> cartesianSet = set
.map(x-> set
.map(y-> x+y)
System.out.println(cartesianSet);//[AA, BB, CC, AB, BC, AC, CA, BA, CB]

Implement Cartesian product of several collections by Java Stream

Eclipse has problems with type inference. If you add a type hint .<Pair<T1,T2>>flatMap, it compiles fine.

If I may suggest a different approach, consider making your cartesianProduct not do the entire stream and collection but merely be a helper for flatMap:

static <T1, T2, R> Function<T1, Stream<R>> crossWith(
Supplier<? extends Stream<T2>> otherSup,
BiFunction<? super T1, ? super T2, ? extends R> combiner
) {
return t1 -> otherSup.get().map(t2 -> combiner.apply(t1, t2));

Now you only need to create a Pair if you want the result to contains Pairs and you can do a higher-order cartesian product by applying flatMap several times:

List<String> letters = Arrays.asList("A", "B", "C");
List<Integer> numbers = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3);

List<Pair<String, Integer>> board =
.flatMap(crossWith(numbers::stream, Pair::new))

List<String> ops = Arrays.asList("+", "-", "*", "/");

List<String> combinations =
.flatMap(crossWith(ops::stream, String::concat))
.flatMap(crossWith(letters::stream, String::concat))
.collect(toList()); // triple cartesian product

Rewriting a Cartesian product using for loops using streams and lambdas in Java

You can use two flatMap operations with a nested map operation.

final List<String> statements =>
.flatMap(s ->
.map(t -> r + " likes " + s + " and dislikes " + t))


Create collection of cartesian product of two (and more) lists with Java Lambda

I'm having difficulty figuring out what you're hoping for, it looks like you're trying to get a Cartesian product? Like, given {1, 2} and {3, 4}, you're expecting {(1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 3), (2, 4)}? (For what it's worth, I don't think that has any relationship to the mathematical definition of permutations, which generally involve different ways of ordering the contents of a single list.)

That could be written
.flatMap(x -> -> Pair.of(x, y)))

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