Java Processbuilder: Resultant Process Hangs

Java ProcessBuilder: Resultant Process Hangs

If the process writes to stderr or stdout, and you're not reading it - it will just "hang" , blocking when writing to stdout/err. Either redirect stdout/err to /dev/null using a shell or merge stdout/err with redirectErrorStream(true) and spawn another thread that reads from stdout of the process

ProcessBuilder hangs

You wait for the program to end before you being reading the piped output, but a pipe only has a limited buffer, so when the buffer is full, the program will wait for you consume the buffered output, but you're waiting on the program to end. Deadlock!

Always consume output before calling waitFor().


Recommend you change the code as follows:

val process = ProcessBuilder(command)
val stdOut = processResult.inputStream.bufferedReader().readText()
if (process.waitFor(timeoutAmount, timeoutUnit)) {
val exitCode = processResult.exitValue()
return AppResult(exitCode, stdOut, "")
// timeout: decide what to do here, since command hasn't terminated yet

There is no need to specify Redirect.PIPE, since that's the default. If you don't join stderr and stdout like shown here, you'd need to create threads to consume them individually, since they both have the buffer full issue, so you can't just read one of them first.

Why does process hang if the parent does not consume stdout/stderr in Java?

Java doesn't do anything in this area. It just uses OS services to create the pipes.

All Unix like OSs and Windows behave the same in this regard: A pipe with a 4K is created between parent and child. When that pipe is full (because one side isn't reading), the writing process blocks.

This is the standard since the inception of pipes. There is not much Java can do.

What you can argue is that the process API in Java is clumsy and doesn't have good defaults like simply connecting child streams to the same stdin/stdout as the parent unless the developer overrides them with something specific.

I think there are two reasons for the current API. First of all, the Java developers (i.e. the guys at Sun/Oracle) know exactly how the process API works and what you need to do. They know so much that it didn't occur to them that the API could be confusing.

The second reason is that there is no good default that will work for the majority. You can't really connect stdin of the parent and the child; if you type something on the console, to which process should the input go?

Similarly, if you connect stdout, the output will go somewhere. If you have a web app, there might be no console or the output might go somewhere where no one will expect it.

You can't even throw an exception when the pipe is full since that can happen during the normal operation as well.

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