Java.Lang.Illegalstateexception: Fragment Not Attached to a Context

Fragment not attached to a context

Create a fragment instance is not enough.
It needs to be attached to Activity through a transaction:

.replace(, fragment)

After a successful commit, onAttach method in the fragment is called, the view is created and then you can interact with its views.

In your case, create the fragment instance and attach it in activity onCreate, then call sortByPopularity later in a click event.

Read more about fragment life cycle:

Fragment not attached to context on Navigation Component

This is because your fragment is listening to some events and these are fired before the fragment is attached to context.

Try to use

private Context context;    

public void onAttach(Context context) {
this.context= context;

public void onDetach() {
this.context= null;

and while using this context , add


Fragment is not attached to a context

You cannot call requireContext() at a property initialization site because properties are initialized while the Fragment instance is still being constructed, which is before it can possibly be attached to a context. This line has your error:

var fazendaDatabaseHandler = FazendaDatabaseHandler(requireContext())

You can either load it lazily, so it only will call requireContext() when you first use the property:

val fazendaDatabaseHandler by lazy { FazendaDatabaseHandler(requireContext()) }

Or you can make it lateinit var and initialize it in onViewCreated(), when it will be safe to call requireContext():

lateinit var fazendaDatabaseHandler: FazendaDatabaseHandler

override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
fazendaDatabaseHandler = FazendaDatabaseHandler(requireContext())

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fragment not attached to a context

The problem seems to be, that your fragment is listening to some events (via UserController and QueryResult) and these are fired before the fragment is attached to context.

Try to unregister the fragment when it becomes detached and to them again after attaching (LiveData can also help with this). Another way could be to receive and store the event while detached and only process it after attaching.

Kotlin Fragment not attached to a context

The culprit is the requireContext() call in the successListener of your Firestore request.

This is what's probably happening when the crash occurs:

  1. User navigates to the ProductFragment
  2. loadItems is called and the Firestore request is sent off
  3. The User navigates backwards removing the ProductFragment before the Firestore successListener is called.
  4. The Firestore request finishes and the successListener is called, but now the Fragment is no longer attached to any context so requireContext() throws an IllegalStateException

A quick fix would be to check the context isn't null in the successListener before continuing and return if it is:

.addOnSuccessListener { result ->
val context = context ?: return
if (result.count() != 0) {
for (document in result) {
if(document.getBoolean("show") == true) {
val photo = resources.getIdentifier(document.getString("image"), "drawable", context.packageName)
val name = document.getString("name") as String
val image = document.getString("image") as String
val url = document.getString("url") as String

items.add(productmodel(photo, name, image, url))

You also have a call to requireActivity() in the successListener that will similarly fail in the same situation. Rather than initialising the Adapter in the successListener you could initialise it before the request is made and just update its data in the successListener.

java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fragment not attached to Activity

This error happens due to the combined effect of two factors:

  • The HTTP request, when complete, invokes either onResponse() or onError() (which work on the main thread) without knowing whether the Activity is still in the foreground or not. If the Activity is gone (the user navigated elsewhere), getActivity() returns null.
  • The Volley Response is expressed as an anonymous inner class, which implicitly holds a strong reference to the outer Activity class. This results in a classic memory leak.

To solve this problem, you should always do:

Activity activity = getActivity();
if(activity != null){

// etc ...


and also, use isAdded() in the onError() method as well:

public void onError(VolleyError error) {

Activity activity = getActivity();
if(activity != null && isAdded())
if (error instanceof NoConnectionError) {
String errormsg = getResources().getString(R.string.no_internet_error_msg);
Toast.makeText(activity, errormsg, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

android - java.lang.IllegalStateException: Fragment not attached to a context

Try to initialize settingsList variable in onViewCreated method:

lateinit var settingsList: List<dataItemsSettings>

override fun onViewCreated(view: View, savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
super.onViewCreated(view, savedInstanceState)
settingsList = listOf(
dataItemsSettings(PUT STRING 1 HERE, PUT STRING 2 HERE, R.drawable.ic_colored_color_lens),
dataItemsSettings(PUT STRING 1 HERE, PUT STRING 2 HERE, R.drawable.ic_colored_view_carousel),
rvSettings.apply {
layoutManager = LinearLayoutManager(activity)
adapter = adapterSettings(settingsList)

// ...

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