Java.Awt.Eventqueue.Invokelater Explained

java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater explained

The complete Swing processing is done in a thread called EDT (Event Dispatching Thread). Therefore you would block the GUI if you would compute some long lasting calculations within this thread.

The way to go here is to process your calculation within a different thread, so your GUI stays responsive. At the end you want to update your GUI, which have to be done within the EDT. Now EventQueue.invokeLater comes into play. It posts an event (your Runnable) at the end of Swings event list and is processed after all previous GUI events are processed.

Also the usage of EventQueue.invokeAndWait is possible here. The difference is, that your calculation thread blocks until your GUI is updated.
So it is obvious that this must not be used from the EDT.

Be careful not to update your Swing GUI from a different thread. In most cases this produces some strange updating/refreshing issues.

Still there is Java code out there that starts a JFrame simple from the main thread. This could cause issues, but is not prevented from Swing. Most modern IDEs now create something like this to start the GUI:

public static void main(String args[]) {
java.awt.EventQueue.invokeLater(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
new NewJFrame().setVisible(true);

When and Where to call EventQueue.invokeLater() method

therefore I couldn't figure out exactly where to call this EventQueue.invokeLater() method.

Swing components need to be updated on the EDT so you would only use invokeLater(...) if you have code executing in a separate Thread and you want to update a GUI component.

Read the section from the Swing tutorial on Concurrency for more information.

As a general rule, unless you are using Threads, you only need to use this method when you create your GUI. Take a look at the FrameDemo from the section in the Swing tutorial on How to Make Frames for a simple example to get you started.

Am I supposed to call it in every event listeners?


All code in an event handler already executes on the Event Dispatch Thread (EDT)so you don't need to invoke this method.

Java EventQueue. Why should everything be in invokelater method?

Desktop GUI applications usually work in this way. There is one thread for gui and one or several threads for rest of application. Using EventQueue you specify what GUI thread should do from other threads.

EventQueue.invokeLater in Java Swing

It sounds like you've got the gist of it, yes. If your application is essentially "pure GUI" you can just do everything on the EDT (Event Dispatch Thread, which is the thread that runs whatever you pass to EventQueue.invokeLater), but you must create windows on the EDT which means your main() method must use EventQueue.invokeLater at least once.

Because all listeners on GUI objects will be notified on the EDT, you do not need use EventQueue.invokeLater from your handlers, generally.

Explain what the following code does?

In this Example you see an anyonmous class that derives from Runnable. This anonymous class overrides the run method of the interface runnable. Then this anonymous class is instantiated and passed to the EventQueue.invokeLater method, which is a static method. This method appends the object into... well... the eventQueue. In the EvenQueue are many events, like keyboard events or mouse events or whatever. There is a Thread that continuesly polls data from this queue. Once that Thread reaches the anonymous class that was instantiated here, it will execute the run() method, which will instantiate an Object of class NewJFrame and set it to be visible.

The whole point of doing this this complicated is that the new JFrame().setVisible(true) part is not executed in the main thread, but in the event dispatching thread. In Swing you must execute all code that modifies the user interface in the event dispatching thread.

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