Issue With Parsing the Content from Json File With Jackson & Message- Jsonmappingexception -Cannot Deserialize as Out of Start_Array Token


Your method is expecting only one Cities object, but you are passing an array of it. Change
@RequestBody Cities cities


@RequestBody List<Cities> cities

if you really want an array.

Parsing JSON into custom POJO which has Map as one it's class member

The error message points to the problem: the offers field is declared as a map while in JSON it is an array of maps.

Try to change Map<String, OfferCookieBean> offers = new HashMap<String, OfferCookieBean>() to List<Map<String, OfferCookieBean>> offers; and see what happens.

JAVA Jackson Parsing JSON Response that Contains List/Array

Your JSON is malformed. As you can see from the error message:

[Source: [{"user":{"userId":"fa6491aeb", ..........]; 

it seems the parser has encountered an array instead of an object.

Jackson: "Unexpected token (VALUE_STRING), expected FIELD_NAME:" when deserializing empty string instead of expected object

Ok, so sometimes all it takes to get an answer is to ask yourself the right question. It turns out, I think I was looking at an older version of the javadocs, because I discovered @JsonTypeInfo#defaultImpl and that has set me on to the right track.

Now I have something that looks like this:

use = JsonTypeInfo.Id.NAME,
include = JsonTypeInfo.As.PROPERTY,
property = "type"
defaultImpl = EmptyThing.class)
@JsonSubTypes.Type(value = Thing.class, name = "Thing"),
@JsonSubTypes.Type(value = FancyThing.class, name = "FancyThing")
public class Thing {



public class EmptyThing extends Thing {

public EmptyThing(String s) {
// Jackson wants a single-string constructor for the default impl

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