In Laymans Terms, What Does 'Static' Mean in Java

In laymans terms, what does 'static' mean in Java?

static means that the variable or method marked as such is available at the class level. In other words, you don't need to create an instance of the class to access it.

public class Foo {
public static void doStuff(){
// does stuff

So, instead of creating an instance of Foo and then calling doStuff like this:

Foo f = new Foo();

You just call the method directly against the class, like so:


What does the 'static' keyword do in a class?

static members belong to the class instead of a specific instance.

It means that only one instance of a static field exists[1] even if you create a million instances of the class or you don't create any. It will be shared by all instances.

Since static methods also do not belong to a specific instance, they can't refer to instance members. In the example given, main does not know which instance of the Hello class (and therefore which instance of the Clock class) it should refer to. static members can only refer to static members. Instance members can, of course access static members.

Side note: Of course, static members can access instance members through an object reference.


public class Example {
private static boolean staticField;
private boolean instanceField;
public static void main(String[] args) {
// a static method can access static fields
staticField = true;

// a static method can access instance fields through an object reference
Example instance = new Example();
instance.instanceField = true;

[1]: Depending on the runtime characteristics, it can be one per ClassLoader or AppDomain or thread, but that is beside the point.

Why does static have different meanings depending on the context?

Your examples are all correct, however, they all share a common feature. The word static means that an enclosing instance is not necessary.

  • Only a static inner class can exist without an enclosing instance. For example, if you have a class Foo and a non-static inner class Bar then you cannot create an instance of Bar outside an instance of Foo.

  • A static method means you do not need an instance of the class to call the method. You can call String.format without an actual String instance for example.

  • A static field will exist even without an instance of the class. If your Foo class has a counter field that is static you can access it without ever instantiating an instance of the Foo class.

Consider, as a clarifying point, that an interface can have static classes, static fields, and static methods. However, it cannot have the non-static version of any of those things (ignoring default methods which are sort of ad-hoc'd into the concept). This is because you can never create an instance of an interface so there could never be an enclosing instance.

You can also declare inner interfaces, annotations, and enums to be static although the keyword in that case is entirely redundant (e.g. similar to declaring an interface method abstract). Interfaces, annotations, and enums have no relationship to an enclosing class to begin with so static can't really take that away.

One last byzantine point. If you do a static import (import static pack.age.Foo.*) you will be able to make unqualified references to any static items in a class (including interfaces, annotations, and enums regardless of whether or not they are redundantly marked static).

What does 'public static void' mean in Java?

It's three completely different things:

public means that the method is visible and can be called from other objects of other types. Other alternatives are private, protected, package and package-private. See here for more details.

static means that the method is associated with the class, not a specific instance (object) of that class. This means that you can call a static method without creating an object of the class.

void means that the method has no return value. If the method returned an int you would write int instead of void.

The combination of all three of these is most commonly seen on the main method which most tutorials will include.

Why static fields are called static ?

It's a hold over from C++ and C before that. In the C context, one of its meanings was for variables that keep their value between invocations. I presume that's where 'static' comes from - it doesn't reset the value (as opposed to a const where the value cannot change)

what is static method why use this in Display class in java

Static methods are those methods can be called without creating its object.
It can be invoked using its class name.

Eg. Math.sqrt(25);

Where Math is the class name, not an object and static methods can access only static properties of the class.

What is the purpose of static keyword in this simple example?

In this Example,Static is used to directly to access the methods.A private static method defeats the purpose of "Data hiding".

Your main can directly call test1 method as it is also Static,it dosn't require any object to communicate.Main cannot refer non-static members,or any other non-static member cannot refer static member.

"non-static members cannot be referred from a static context"

You can refer This thread for more info about Static members.

What is the purpose of creating static object in Java?

The static keyword in Java means that the variable or function is shared between all instances of that class, not the actual objects themselves.

In your case, you try to access a resource in a static method,

public static void main(String[] args)

Thus anything we access here without creating an instance of the class Flavor1Demo has to be a static resource.

If you want to remove the static keyword from Demo class, your code should look like:

class Flavor1Demo {

// An anonymous class with Demo as base class
Demo d = new Demo() {
void show() {;
System.out.println("i am in Flavor1Demo class");

public static void main(String[] args) {

Flavor1Demo flavor1Demo = new Flavor1Demo();;

Here you see, we have created an instance of Flavor1Demo and then get the non-static resource d
The above code wont complain of compilation errors.

Hope it helps!

Why out variable in System class is static ?

That is because static variables can be used without instantiating the class. So, something as simple as printing for which you use out mostly you don't have to create an instance of System class and can access the variable with just class name.

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