How to Set the Environment Variables For Java in Windows

Set java environment variables

You should set the variable path till bin directory

JAVA_HOME : C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.7.0_80


To compile and run a java program we use javac and java commands.But these commands are unknown to your OS until we explicitly specify the location of these executable files. This is the main reason why we need to set path in Java and while specifying the path we specify the path of bin folder which contains the executable files.

How do we set environmental variable in java for windows 10?

In the "Search the web and Windows" box on the Taskbar, type "environment variables" then select "Edit the system environment variables" then click "Environment variables"

How do I set environment variables from Java?

(Is it because this is Java and therefore I shouldn't be doing evil nonportable obsolete things like touching my environment?)

I think you've hit the nail on the head.

A possible way to ease the burden would be to factor out a method

void setUpEnvironment(ProcessBuilder builder) {
Map<String, String> env = builder.environment();
// blah blah

and pass any ProcessBuilders through it before starting them.

Also, you probably already know this, but you can start more than one process with the same ProcessBuilder. So if your subprocesses are the same, you don't need to do this setup over and over.

Set Environment variables to Java 11 directory, but CLI -> Java -version is still 1.8?

This can be caused by multiple different reasons.

Try 'where java' and 'where javac' to see where they point to. You should thenbe able to find the exact path from where java and javac are being called in your environment.

Also ensure that you only have one jdk/jre in your Path. You can try to move %JAVA_HOME% to be the first element in the Path list.

Do we need to set Windows environment variables for Java updates anymore?

That depends on what you are trying to do.

Generally, you don't need JAVA_HOME to run a Java app. Adding the location of the Java binaries to the PATH is sufficient for Windows to find and execute them.

However, e.g. a lot of application servers like Tomcat and build tools like Gradle will use JAVA_HOME to determine the location of your Java installation.

Paths to multiple JDK's in windows system variable PATH

1) the system's path variable

The path variable defines where the system will search for executables you are using on the console/shell.

Having multiple JDKs in your operating system's path variable is a bad idea. One will take precedence and you cannot even (or should not) be sure which one it is.

If you need different JDKs for different projects, you may create a script setting the environment. Let's call it configure.bat for Windows. When opening a shell you would first run that script to set all environment variables and probably start needed services.

Use commands like java -version or mvn version to check the JDK you shell is using!

You may alternatively be able to create the environment settings by configuring an instance of your shell in a different way, but I unfortunately can't give you any details about that.

There is an alternative ...

2) the IDE's path variable

In you IDE (Eclipse, IntelliJ) you can also configure the JDK, and more important: you can configure different JDKs for specific code levels and can set the code level (or the JDK directly) on each of your projects individually. While working in the IDE you don't need to run configuration scripts, the IDE will take care of that. Be careful though, when using a system console in the IDE, you might be falling back to 1) then.

3) Maven

In a similar way as in the IDE you can configure:

  • JDKs (.m2/settings.xml)
  • code levels (the project's pom.xml or one of the parent POMs)

when using Maven. For more details see:

This should be possible for other build management tools like Gradle. I have to refer you to a web search for those, though.

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