Java Reflection: How to Get the Name of a Variable

Java Reflection: How to get the name of a variable?

As of Java 8, some local variable name information is available through reflection. See the "Update" section below.

Complete information is often stored in class files. One compile-time optimization is to remove it, saving space (and providing some obsfuscation). However, when it is is present, each method has a local variable table attribute that lists the type and name of local variables, and the range of instructions where they are in scope.

Perhaps a byte-code engineering library like ASM would allow you to inspect this information at runtime. The only reasonable place I can think of for needing this information is in a development tool, and so byte-code engineering is likely to be useful for other purposes too.

Update: Limited support for this was added to Java 8. Parameter (a special class of local variable) names are now available via reflection. Among other purposes, this can help to replace @ParameterName annotations used by dependency injection containers.

How to get variable name? - java

You can get all field name by reflection

Class yourClass = YourClass.class
Field[] fields = yourClass.getFields();
for(Field f: fields){

or if you want mapping then go for Map

Map<String, String> propertyToValueMap

if you are trying to read method's local variable name, then it is not that simple to fetch also a signal that you are doing something wrong

Getting a variable by name using reflection in Java

You get a field

field = getClass().getDeclaredField(name);

on whatever whatever type this is, presumably com.whatever.project.Hexagon. But then you try to retrieve the field on an object of type


This is wrong. The javadoc states

Returns the value of the field represented by this Field, on the
specified object.

Color does not have a Color field.

What you want is probably


Get all variable names in a class

Field[] fields = YourClassName.class.getFields();

returns an array of all public variables of the class.

getFields() return the fields in the whole class-heirarcy. If you want to have the fields defined only in the class in question, and not its superclasses, use getDeclaredFields(), and filter the public ones with the following Modifier approach:


The YourClassName.class literal actually represents an object of type java.lang.Class. Check its docs for more interesting reflection methods.

The Field class above is java.lang.reflect.Field. You may take a look at the whole java.lang.reflect package.

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