How to Kill Currently Running Task in Android

How to kill currently running task in android

No one can kill process except Android OS itself.

Most of the task killer in android market don't kill the app they just restart the process

by using

public void restartPackage (String packageName)

when this method is called by your activity the operating system immediately called

savedInstanceState and save the state of that activity you want to kill. Now this process is

removed from memory and OS saved it state.Now when next time user start that activity it

will start from where it was killed or in other words restarted. You can verify it from any

task manager that they don't kill the process because no one can do so. This method also

work in ICS.

for above method you can look at here . As far as i know killBackgroundProcesses (String packageName) is for API 8 and above.

Getting a list of running processes and killing a specific process

'Running' doesn't mean that a user started it; it might be listening for events, doing a scheduled background sync or anything else.

ActivityManager.getRunningTasks() might be closer to what you want, but in essence you are always going to have this problem, because the user is not in full control over what is currently active.

How to kill all running applications in android?

  • You can use Process.killProcess(int pid) to kill processes that have the same UID with your App.
  • You can use ActivityManager.killBackgroundProcesses(String packageName),with KILL_BACKGROUND_PROCESSES permission in your manifest(for API >= 8) or ActivityManager.restartPackage (String packageName)(for API < 8) to kill specified process,except of forground process.

So if you would to kill all other processes when your program is foreground process,you would to use ActivityManager.killBackgroundProcesses or ActivityManager.restartPackage:

List<ApplicationInfo> packages;
PackageManager pm;
pm = getPackageManager();
//get a list of installed apps.
packages = pm.getInstalledApplications(0);

ActivityManager mActivityManager = (ActivityManager)context.getSystemService(Context.ACTIVITY_SERVICE);
String myPackage = getApplicationContext().getPackageName();
for (ApplicationInfo packageInfo : packages) {
if((packageInfo.flags & ApplicationInfo.FLAG_SYSTEM)==1)continue;
if(packageInfo.packageName.equals(myPackage)) continue;

In above snippet code,each process will be killed unless it be process of your App or system process.


How to close all active applications from my Android app?

How do task killers work?

How do I kill background tasks in Oreo programmatically?

Android 5.0+ killed getRunningTasks(int) and getRunningAppProcesses(). Both of those methods are now deprecated and only return your application process. You can get a list of running apps using UsageStatsManager. Check this example:

How to kill an Android app and all running service/tasks from another service?

Every Activity has its own processID, while service dont have its own id or something, service is a part of Activity. when you killing activity process its will stop all the partial task or service too


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