What's the Difference Between Session.Persist() and Session.Save() in Hibernate

What's the difference between session.persist() and session.save() in Hibernate?

From this forum post

persist() is well defined. It makes a
transient instance persistent.
However, it doesn't guarantee that the
identifier value will be assigned to
the persistent instance immediately,
the assignment might happen at flush
time. The spec doesn't say that, which
is the problem I have with persist().

persist() also guarantees that it will
not execute an INSERT statement if it
is called outside of transaction
boundaries. This is useful in
long-running conversations with an
extended Session/persistence context.

A method like persist() is required.

save() does not guarantee the same, it
returns an identifier, and if an
INSERT has to be executed to get the
identifier (e.g. "identity" generator,
not "sequence"), this INSERT happens
immediately, no matter if you are
inside or outside of a transaction.
This is not good in a long-running
conversation with an extended
Session/persistence context.

Whats the difference between persist() and save() in Hibernate?

I did some mock testing to record the difference between Save() and Persist().

Sounds like both these methods behaves same when dealing with Transient Entity but differ when dealing with Detached Entity.

For the below example , take EmployeeVehicle as an Entity with PK as vehicleId which is a generated value and vehicleName as one of its property .

Example 1 : Dealing with Transient Object

                 Session session = factory.openSession();
EmployeeVehicle entity = new EmployeeVehicle();
// session.persist(entity);

Result : select nextval ('hibernate_sequence') // This is for vehicle Id generated : 36

insert into Employee_Vehicle ( Vehicle_Name, Vehicle_Id) values ( Honda, 36)

Repeat the same with using persist(entity) and will result the same with new Id ( say 37 , honda ) ;

Example 2 : Dealing with Detached Object

// Session 1 
// Get the previously saved Vehicle Entity
Session session = factory.openSession();
EmployeeVehicle entity = (EmployeeVehicle)session.get(EmployeeVehicle.class, 36);

// Session 2
// Here in Session 2 , vehicle entity obtained in previous session is a detached object and now we will try to save / persist it
(i) Using Save() to persist a detached object
Session session2 = factory.openSession();

Result : You might be expecting the Vehicle with id : 36 obtained in previous session is updated with name as "Toyota" . But what happens is that a new entity is saved in the DB with new Id generated for and Name as "Toyota"

         select nextval ('hibernate_sequence')
insert into Employee_Vehicle ( Vehicle_Name, Vehicle_Id) values ( Toyota, 39)

(ii) Using Persist() to persist a detached object

// Session 1
Session session = factory.openSession();
EmployeeVehicle entity = EmployeeVehicle)session.get(EmployeeVehicle.class, 36);

// Session 2
// Here in Session 2 , vehicle entity obtained in previous session is a detached object and now we will try to save / persist it
(i) Using persist() to persist a detached object

            Session session2 = factory.openSession();

Result : Exception being thrown : detached entity passed to persist

So, it is always better to use Persist() rather than Save() as save has to be carefully used when dealing with session and transcation .

What exactly happens when I use session.save instead of session.persist?

In your example, tempCourse1 and tempCourse2 are in a detached state, so to make a relation you need to persist them.

Both save and persist doing the same thing, but save is Hibernate's API and persist is a part of the JPA specification.

On your entity, you have CascadeType.PERSIST which relates only to the persist method. To make save behave the same, you should add org.hibernate.annotations.CascadeType#SAVE_UPDATE to your ManyToOne annotation.

What are the differences between the different saving methods in Hibernate?

Here's my understanding of the methods. Mainly these are based on the API though as I don't use all of these in practice.

Calls either save or update depending on some checks. E.g. if no identifier exists, save is called. Otherwise update is called.

Persists an entity. Will assign an identifier if one doesn't exist. If one does, it's essentially doing an update. Returns the generated ID of the entity.

Attempts to persist the entity using an existing identifier. If no identifier exists, I believe an exception is thrown.

This is deprecated and should no longer be used. Instead there is...

Now this is where my knowledge starts to falter. The important thing here is the difference between transient, detached and persistent entities. For more info on the object states, take a look here. With save & update, you are dealing with persistent objects. They are linked to a Session so Hibernate knows what has changed. But when you have a transient object, there is no session involved. In these cases you need to use merge for updates and persist for saving.

As mentioned above, this is used on transient objects. It does not return the generated ID.

What exactly does org.hibernate.Session.save() do?

Difference between save and saveOrUpdate

Main difference between save and saveOrUpdate method is that save generates a new identifier and INSERT record into database while saveOrUpdate can either INSERT or UPDATE based upon existence of record. So save will proceed without performing existence check, on the other hand saveOrUpdate will check for existence, if record exists it will be updated else a new record will be inserted.

Basic differences between persist and save

1)First difference between save and persist is their return type. Similar to save method, persist also INSERT records into database but return type of persist is void while return type of save is Serializable object.

2) Another difference between persist and save is that both methods make a transient instance persistent. However, persist method doesn't guarantee that the identifier value will be assigned to the persistent instance immediately, the assignment might happen at flush time.

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