How to Clean Project Cache in Intellij Idea Like Eclipse'S Clean

Refresh + Clean in Eclipse, Equivalent in Intellij?

First of all mvn clean install from the command line is a different thing from IntelliJ clean install. IntelliJ used its own indexing and classpath for every project. you can see the projcet class path changes here

File > Project Structure > Module

Sample Image

And to clean the project with maven you can use the maven lifecycle window and right-hand sidebar of Intellij(if you can't see it then see it View -> Tool Windows -> Maven)
Sample Image

How to clean or clean build my Maven project in IntelliJ IDEA?

The answer here with the most votes suggests running the clean and install Lifecycle items separately in IntelliJ, which is easy enough and works. But it’s worth mentioning that you can combine these steps (and/or others) by instead creating a new Run/Debug Configuration of type maven and adding the command clean install (or whichever combination of maven lifecycle methods you run on a recurring basis).

Thereafter, running a mvn clean install is as simple as clicking the green button to run that Run/Debug Configuration.

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How can I tell `./gradlew clean` to also delete out folders produces by IntelliJ

Even if it's possible to use the delete method of the Project instance in a doLast closure, you should actually use the delete method of the Delete task:

clean {
delete 'out' // interpreted relative to the project directory

intellij idea suddenly stopped noticing changes

This problem can be solved by deleting logs, caches, indexes and temp files at the IntelliJIdea13/system folder

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