Filter Order in Spring-Boot

Filter order in spring-boot

Guys from Spring helped again. See and

Spring Security doesn't set an order on the Filter bean that it
creates. This means that, when Boot is creating a
FilterRegistrationBean for it, it gets the default order which is

If you want your own Filter to go after Spring Security's you can
create your own registration for Spring Security's filter and specify
the order.

So the answer to my question is:

public FilterRegistrationBean securityFilterChain(@Qualifier(AbstractSecurityWebApplicationInitializer.DEFAULT_FILTER_NAME) Filter securityFilter) {
FilterRegistrationBean registration = new FilterRegistrationBean(securityFilter);
registration.setOrder(Integer.MAX_VALUE - 1);
return registration;

public FilterRegistrationBean userInsertingMdcFilterRegistrationBean() {
FilterRegistrationBean registrationBean = new FilterRegistrationBean();
UserInsertingMdcFilter userFilter = new UserInsertingMdcFilter();
return registrationBean;

SpringBoot how to set order of Filter without annotation

See example:
In your class ServletInitializer:

public FilterRegistrationBean requestLogFilter() {
final FilterRegistrationBean reg = new FilterRegistrationBean(createRequestLogFilter());
reg.setOrder(1); //defines filter execution order
return reg;

public RequestLogFilter createRequestLogFilter(){
return new RequestLogFilter();

the name of my filter is "requestLogFilter"

Warning: Don't use @Component annotation at the class Filter.

Controlling the order of non-security Filters in a Spring Boot app using Spring Security

You may set order of filter using @Order annotation. It has default value Integer.MAX_VALUE this way your filter will be executed last(lower values have higher priority). Here is an example:

public class TestFilter implements Filter {
public void doFilter(ServletRequest servletRequest, ServletResponse servletResponse, FilterChain filterChain) throws IOException, ServletException {
filterChain.doFilter(servletRequest, servletResponse);

Spring Security is a single physical Filter but delegates processing to a chain of internal filters such as: SecurityContextPersistenceFilter, RememberMeAuthenticationFilter, AnonymousAuthenticationFilter, etc. The security filter is installed at a position defined by SecurityProperties.DEFAULT_FILTER_ORDER which is set to -100. So any filter with order higher than -100 will be executed after FilterChainProxy (concrete class of spring security filter)

For example:

public class BeforeSecurityFilter implements Filter

Will be executed before security filter and:

public class AfterSecurityFilter implements Filter

Will be executed after security filter

Ordering custom filters in Spring Security configuration

The antMatcher method will match the path of incoming requests, it is not related to the names of the filters.

From the Javadoc for antMatcher:

Allows configuring the HttpSecurity to only be invoked when matching the provided ant pattern.

This means that your custom filters (and the rest of the filter chain) will only be invoked if the incoming request matches the ant pattern that you have provided.

Consider this example

.addFilterBefore(customFilter, UsernamePasswordAuthenticationFilter.class)
// ...

If you make a request to GET "/admin/home", then HttpSecurity will be invoked the request will be processed by customFilter.

If you make a request to GET "/user/home", then HttpSecurity will not be invoked the request won't be processed by customFilter.

To understand how ant-style path matching works, see the Javadoc for AntPathMatcher.

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