Exception Noclassdeffounderror for Cacheprovider

Exception NoClassDefFoundError for CacheProvider

Change your AnnotationSessionFactoryBean to org.springframework.orm.hibernate4.LocalSessionFactoryBean (Hibernate 4) and you'll be good to go. The AnnotationSessionFactoryBean was replaced with the LocalSessionFactoryBean as it does class path scanning now.

MaryTTS Exception NoClassDefFoundError: com/google/common/bas e/Joiner

This is very very strange from the side of MaryTTS team , they seem to ignore this error happens , solved this by adding Guava 22.0 on the project class path.

Also i see nowhere on the depencities this to be mentioned :( .

Play Execution exception: NoClassDefFoundError occured : javax/ws/rs/core/Response$Status

Solved by myself. Play need separately add dependency for play compilation. Add to the play dependencies.yml:

- javax.ws.rs -> javax.ws.rs-api 2.0

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