How to Load Image File to Imageview

Show Image View from file path?

Labeeb is right about why you need to set image using path if your resources are already laying inside the resource folder ,

This kind of path is needed only when your images are stored in SD-Card .

And try the below code to set Bitmap images from a file stored inside a SD-Card .

File imgFile = new  File("/sdcard/Images/test_image.jpg");


Bitmap myBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeFile(imgFile.getAbsolutePath());

ImageView myImage = (ImageView) findViewById(;



And include this permission in the manifest file:

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE" />

How to load Image file to ImageView?

You can simply create an image with

Image image = new Image(selectedFile.toURI().toString());

and then place it in the ImageView:


Other constructors offer more control over resources required for loading the image. If you want to force the image to be a certain size, you can resize it on loading, which will save memory if the user chooses a large image but you only want to display a scaled-down version. Additionally, loading a large image may take time, so you should not load it on the UI thread. The Image constructors taking string versions of URLs have options to automatically load the image in a background thread. The following forces the width and height to be both no more than 240 pixels (while maintaining the original aspect ratio), and loads the image in the background (thus not blocking the UI):

Image image = new Image(selectedFile.toURI().toString(),
240, // requested width
240, // requested height
true, // preserve ratio
true, // smooth rescaling
true // load in background

See the documentation for other available constructors.

How to set an image to imageView using filepath in android

If with File you mean a File object, I would try:

File file = ....
Uri uri = Uri.fromFile(file);

Can not load image from file path to ImageView with Glide

Just need to add android:requestLegacyExternalStorage="true" to Application tag in Manifest.xml .

How to load an ImageView from a png file?

Try BitmapFactory.decodeFile() and then setImageBitmap() on the ImageView.

How to load Image into ImageView from Url using Glide v4.0.0RC1

If you are using Glide v4.0.0-RC1 then you need to use RequestOptions to add the placeholder, error image and other option. Here is an working example

RequestOptions options = new RequestOptions()


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