CSV Parsing in Java - Working Example

Fastest way to read a CSV file java


Reading a 20 MB CSV file, and instantiating an object per row, takes less than 1 second in total elapsed time.


You did not define the term “slow”. So I did an experiment, a casual benchmark test.

First we create a 20 MB file of 40,000 Person records. Each Person holds a first & last name in French, a UUID, and some arbitrary text as a description. The data is written as four columns in a CSV file in UTF-8. I used the Apache Commons CSV library to write and read.

Secondly, this written file is read. Each row of data is read into memory, then used to instantiate and collect a Person object.

Reading this file, and instantiating Person object for each row took less than one second in total elapsed time. Each row takes about 20K nanoseconds. Actually, this includes reading the file twice, as we do a scan to count the number of rows of data to set initial capacity of the collected instances. Also, we are parsing a hex string input into the 128-bit value of a UUID, so we have some time spent on data-processing (not just reading).

For Java 16+, define Person class as a record. We override toString to avoid printing out the long description content.

record Person ( String givenName , String surname , UUID id , String description ) 
static public String LOREM_IPSUM = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.";

public String toString ()
return "Person{ " +
"givenName='" + givenName + '\'' +
" | surname='" + surname + '\'' +
" | id='" + id + '\'' +
" }";

For earlier Java, write a conventional Person class.

package work.basil.example;

import java.util.UUID;

public class Person
// Static
static public String LOREM_IPSUM = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.";

// Member variables.
public String givenName, surname, description;
public UUID id;

public Person ( String givenName , String surname , UUID id , String description )
this.givenName = givenName;
this.surname = surname;
this.id = id;
this.description = description ;

public String toString ()
return "Person{ " +
"givenName='" + givenName + '\'' +
" | surname='" + surname + '\'' +
" | id='" + id + '\'' +
" }";

And here is the complete app that writes and then reads the 20 MB file. Please study and critique, as I whipped this up in a jiffy. I’ve not double-checked my work.

You will find a write method, and a read method. The main method calls both, and tracks time.

package work.basil.example;

import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVFormat;
import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVPrinter;
import org.apache.commons.csv.CSVRecord;

import java.io.BufferedReader;
import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.UUID;
import java.util.concurrent.ThreadLocalRandom;

public class CsvSpeed
public List < Person > read ( Path path )
// TODO: Add a check for valid file existing.

List < Person > list = List.of(); // Default to empty list.
// Prepare list.
int initialCapacity = ( int ) Files.lines( path ).count();
list = new ArrayList <>( initialCapacity );

// Read CSV file. For each row, instantiate and collect `DailyProduct`.
BufferedReader reader = Files.newBufferedReader( path );
Iterable < CSVRecord > records = CSVFormat.RFC4180.withFirstRecordAsHeader().parse( reader );
for ( CSVRecord record : records )
String givenName = record.get( "givenName" );
String surname = record.get( "surname" );
UUID id = UUID.fromString( record.get( "id" ) );
String description = record.get( "description" );
// Instantiate `Person` object, and collect it.
Person person = new Person( givenName , surname , id , description );
list.add( person );
} catch ( IOException e )
return list;

public void write ( final Path path )
ThreadLocalRandom random = ThreadLocalRandom.current();
try ( final CSVPrinter printer = CSVFormat.RFC4180.withHeader( "givenName" , "surname" , "id" , "description" ).print( path , StandardCharsets.UTF_8 ) ; )
int limit = 40_000; // 40_000 yields about 20 MB of data.
List < String > givenNames = List.of( "Adrien" , "Aimon" , "Alerion" , "Alexis" , "Alezan" , "Ancil" , "Andre" , "Antoine" , "Archard" , "Aurélien" , "Averill" , "Baptiste" , "Barnard" , "Bartelemy" , "Bastien" , "Baylee" , "Beale" , "Beau" , "Beaumont" , "Beauregard" , "Bellamy" , "Berger" , "Blaize" , "Blondel" , "Boyce" , "Bruce" , "Brunelle" , "Brys" , "Burcet" , "Burnell" , "Burrell" , "Byron" , "Canaan" , "Carden" , "Carolas" , "Cavell" , "Chace" , "Chanler" , "Chante" , "Chappel" , "Charles" , "Chasen" , "Chason" , "Chemin" , "Chene" , "Cher" , "Chevalier" , "Cheyne" , "Clément" , "Clemence" , "Corbin" , "Coty" , "Cygne" , "Damien" , "Dandre" , "Dariel" , "Darl" , "Dauphine" , "Davet" , "Dax" , "Dean" , "Delice" , "Delmon" , "Destin" , "Dominique" , "Donatien" , "Duke" , "Eliott" , "Elroy" , "Enzo" , "Erwan" , "Etalon" , "Ethan" , "Fabron" , "Ferrand" , "Filberte" , "Florent" , "Florian" , "Fontaine" , "Forest" , "Fortune" , "Franchot" , "Francois" , "Fraser" , "Frayne" , "Gaëtan" , "Gabin" , "Gage" , "Gaige" , "Garland" , "Garner" , "Gaston" , "Gauge" , "Gaylord" , "Germain" , "Germaine" , "German" , "Gervaise" , "Giles" , "Gilles" , "Gitan" , "Grosvener" , "Guifford" , "Guion" , "Guy" , "Guzman" , "Henri" , "Holland" , "Hugo" , "Hugues" , "Hyacinthe" , "Jérémy" , "Jacquan" , "Jacques" , "Jacquez" , "Janvier" , "Jardan" , "Jay" , "Jaye" , "Jehan" , "Jemond" , "Jocquez" , "Jonathan" , "Jules" , "Julien" , "Justus" , "Karoly" , "Lado" , "Lafayette" , "Lamond" , "Lancelin" , "Landis" , "Landry" , "Laron" , "Larrimore" , "Laurent" , "LaValle" , "Leandre" , "Leggett" , "Leonce" , "Leron" , "Leverett" , "Lilian" , "Loïc" , "Lorenzo" , "Louis" , "Lowell" , "Luc" , "Lucien" , "Lukas" , "Macaire" , "Mace" , "Mahieu" , "Maison" , "Malleville" , "Manneville" , "Mantel" , "Marc" , "Marcel" , "Marion" , "Marius" , "Markez" , "Markis" , "Marmion" , "Marquis" , "Marquise" , "Marshall" , "Martial" , "Maslin" , "Mason" , "Matheo" , "Mathias" , "Mathys" , "Matthieu" , "Maxence" , "Mayson" , "Mehdi" , "Merle" , "Merville" , "Montague" , "Montaigu" , "Monte" , "Montgomery" , "Montreal" , "Montrel" , "Moore" , "Morel" , "Mortimer" , "Nerville" , "Neuveville" , "Nicolas" , "Noë" , "Noah" , "Noe" , "Norman" , "Norville" , "Nouel" , "Olivier" , "Onfroi" , "Paien" , "Parfait" , "Parnell" , "Pascal" , "Patrice" , "Paul" , "Peppin" , "Percival" , "Percy" , "Pernell" , "Peverell" , "Philipe" , "Pierpont" , "Pierre" , "Pomeroy" , "Prewitt" , "Purvis" , "Quennell" , "Quentin" , "Quincey" , "Quincy" , "Quintin" , "Rémi" , "Rafaelle" , "Ranger" , "Raoul" , "Raphaël" , "Rapier" , "Rawlins" , "Ray" , "Raynard" , "Remi" , "René" , "Renard" , "Rene" , "Reule" , "Reynard" , "Robin" , "Romain" , "Rondel" , "Roy" , "Royal" , "Ruff" , "Rush" , "Russel" , "Rustin" , "Sabastien" , "Sacha" , "Salomon" , "Samuel" , "Satordi" , "Saville" , "Scoville" , "Sebastien" , "Sennett" , "Severin" , "Shant" , "Shantae" , "Sidney" , "Siffre" , "Simeon" , "Simon" , "Sinclair" , "Sofiane" , "Somer" , "Stephane" , "Sully" , "Sydney" , "Sylvain" , "Talbot" , "Talon" , "Telford" , "Tempest" , "Teppo" , "Théo" , "Thayer" , "Thibault" , "Thibaut" , "Thiery" , "Tiennan" , "Tiennot" , "Titouan" , "Toussaint" , "Travaris" , "Tyson" , "Urson" , "Vachel" , "Valentin" , "Valere" , "Vallis" , "Verdun" , "Victoir" , "Victor" , "Waltier" , "William" , "Wyatt" , "Yanis" , "Yann" , "Yves" , "Yvon" , "Zosime" , "Abrial" , "Abrielle" , "Abril" , "Adele" , "Alair" , "Alerion" , "Amee" , "Angelique" , "Annette" , "Antonella" , "Arian" , "Ariane" , "Armandina" , "Aubree" , "Aubrielle" , "Audra" , "Avril" , "Bella" , "Berneta" , "Bette" , "Blaise" , "Blanche" , "Blasa" , "Bonte" , "Brie" , "Brienne" , "Brigit" , "Cachay" , "Calice" , "Camille" , "Camylle" , "Caprice" , "Caressa" , "Caroline" , "Catin" , "Celesta" , "Celeste" , "Cera" , "Cerise" , "Chablis" , "Chalice" , "Chambray" , "Champagne" , "Chandell" , "Chaney" , "Chantal" , "Chante" , "Chanterelle" , "Chantile" , "Chantilly" , "Chantrice" , "Charla" , "Charlotte" , "Charmane" , "Chaton" , "Chemin" , "Chenetta" , "Cher" , "Chere" , "Cheri" , "Cheryl" , "Christine" , "Cidney" , "Cinderella" , "Claire" , "Claudette" , "Colette" , "Cordelle" , "Cydnee" , "Daeja" , "Daija" , "Daja" , "Damzel" , "Darelle" , "Darlene" , "Darselle" , "Dejanelle" , "Deleena" , "Delice" , "Demeri" , "Deni" , "Denise" , "Desgracias" , "Desire" , "Desiree" , "Destanee" , "Destiny" , "Dior" , "Domanique" , "Dominique" , "Elaina" , "Elaine" , "Elayna" , "Elise" , "Eloisa" , "Elyse" , "Emeline" , "Emmaline" , "Emmeline" , "Estella" , "Estrella" , "Etiennette" , "Evette" , "Fabienne" , "Fabrienne" , "Fanchon" , "Fancy" , "Fawna" , "Fayana" , "Fayette" , "Fifi" , "Fleur" , "Fleurette" , "Fontanna" , "Fosette" , "Francine" , "Frederique" , "Gabriel" , "Gabriele" , "Gabrielle" , "Gaby" , "Garcelle" , "Gena" , "Genie" , "Georgette" , "Germaine" , "Gervaise" , "Gitana" , "Harriet" , "Heloisa" , "Holland" , "Honnetta" , "Isabelle" , "Ivette" , "Ivonne" , "Jacqueena" , "Jacquetta" , "Jacquiline" , "Jacyline" , "Jaime" , "Jakqueline" , "Janeen" , "Janelly" , "Janina" , "Janiqua" , "Janique" , "Jannnelle" , "Jaquita" , "Jardena" , "Jeanetta" , "Jermaine" , "Jessamine" , "Jewel" , "Jewell" , "Joli" , "Jolie" , "Josephine" , "Jozephine" , "Julieta" , "Karessa" , "Karmaine" , "Klara" , "Laine" , "Lanelle" , "Laramie" , "Layne" , "Layney" , "Leala" , "Leonette" , "Lissette" , "Lizette" , "Lourdes" , "Lucienne" , "Ly" , "Lyla" , "Lysette" , "Madelaine" , "Malerie" , "Manette" , "Marais" , "Marcelle" , "Marché" , "Mardi" , "Margo" , "Marguerite" , "Marie" , "Marie Claude" , "Marie Frances" , "Marie Joelle" , "Marie Pascale" , "Marie Sophie" , "Marjolaine" , "Marquise" , "Marvella" , "Mathieu" , "Matisse" , "Maurelle" , "Maurissa" , "Mavis" , "Melisande" , "Michelle" , "Miette" , "Mignon" , "Mimi" , "Mirya" , "Monet" , "Moniqua" , "Monteen" , "Musetta" , "Myrlie" , "Nadeen" , "Nadia" , "Nadiyah" , "Naeva" , "Nanon" , "Natalle" , "Naudia" , "Nettie" , "Nicholas" , "Nicki" , "Nicky" , "Nicole" , "Nicolette" , "Nicolina" , "Nicolle" , "Nikolette" , "Ninette" , "Ninon" , "Noelle" , "Nycole" , "Odelette" , "Opaline" , "Orane" , "Orva" , "Page" , "Parisa" , "Parnel" , "Parris" , "Patrice" , "Peridot" , "Pippi" , "Prairie" , "Rachele" , "Rachelle" , "Racquel" , "Raphaelle" , "Raquelle" , "Remi" , "Renée" , "Renea" , "Renelle" , "Renita" , "Risette" , "Rochelle" , "Romy" , "Rosabel" , "Rosiclara" , "Ruba" , "Russhell" , "Saleena" , "Salina" , "Satin" , "Sedona" , "Serene" , "Shandelle" , "Shanta" , "Shante" , "Shariah" , "Sharita" , "Sharleen" , "Sheree" , "Shereen" , "Sherell" , "Sherice" , "Sherry" , "Sidnee" , "Sidney" , "Sidnie" , "Sidonie" , "Sinclaire" , "Solange" , "Solen" , "Sorrel" , "Suzette" , "Sydnee" , "Sydney" , "Tallis" , "Tempest" , "Toinette" , "Turquoise" , "Veronique" , "Vignette" , "Villette" , "Violeta" , "Virginie" , "Voleta" , "Vonny" );
List < String > surnames = List.of( "Arceneau" , "Aucoin" , "Babin" , "Babineaux" , "Benoit" , "Bergeron" , "Bernard" , "Bertrand" , "Bessette" , "Blanc" , "Blanchard" , "Bonnet" , "Boucher" , "Bourg" , "Bourque" , "Boutin" , "Bouvier" , "Braud" , "Broussard" , "Brun" , "Chevalier" , "David" , "Depaul" , "Desmarais" , "Disney" , "Dubois" , "Dupont" , "Dupuis" , "Durand" , "Fortescue" , "Fournier" , "Garnier" , "Gaudet" , "Gillet" , "Gillette" , "Girard" , "Gravois" , "Grosvenor" , "Lambert" , "Landry" , "Laroche" , "Laurent" , "Lefevre" , "Leroy" , "Leveque" , "Lisle" , "Martin" , "Michel" , "Molyneux" , "Moreau" , "Morel" , "Neville" , "Pelletier" , "Petit" , "Prideux" , "Renard" , "Richard" , "Robert" , "Rousseau" , "Roux" , "Rufus" , "Simon" , "Thomas" );
for ( int i = 1 ; i <= limit ; i++ )
String givenName = givenNames.get( random.nextInt( 0 , givenNames.size() ) );
String surname = surnames.get( random.nextInt( 0 , surnames.size() ) );
UUID id = UUID.randomUUID();
String description = Person.LOREM_IPSUM;
printer.printRecord( givenName , surname , id , description );
} catch ( IOException e )

public static void main ( final String[] args )
// Launch the app.
CsvSpeed app = new CsvSpeed();

// Write.
String when = Instant.now().truncatedTo( ChronoUnit.SECONDS ).toString().replace( ":" , "•" );
Path pathOutput = Paths.get( "/Users/basilbourque/persons.csv" );
app.write( pathOutput );
System.out.println( "Writing file: " + pathOutput );

// Read.
long start = System.nanoTime();
Path pathInput = Paths.get( "/Users/basilbourque/persons.csv" );
List < Person > list = app.read( pathInput );
long stop = System.nanoTime();

// Time.
long elapsed = ( stop - start );
Duration d = Duration.ofNanos( elapsed );
System.out.println( "Reading elapsed: " + d );
System.out.println( "Reading took nanos per row: " + ( elapsed / list.size() ) );
System.out.println( "nanos elapsed: " + elapsed + " | list.size: " + list.size() );

When run:

Writing file: /Users/basilbourque/persons.csv

Reading elapsed: PT0.857816234S

Reading took nanos per row: 21445

nanos elapsed: 857816234 | list.size: 40000

Technology stack:

  • Java 11.0.2 — Zulu by Azul Systems (built from OpenJDK)
  • Run inside IntelliJ 2019.1
  • macOS Mojave
  • MacBook Pro (Retina, 15-inch, Late 2013)
  • Processor: 2.3 GHz Intel Core i7 (4 cores, 8 hyper)
  • 16 GB 1600 MHz DDR3
  • Storage: Solid-state built-in by Apple

Parsing csv file with indexOutOfBound in java

I've figured it out. It's counterintuitive for me, though. I need to specify the length of the data array parsed to put every attribute like this:

ArrayList<String> csvContents = new ArrayList<String>();    

try (BufferedReader csvReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(csvFile));) {
String headerLine = csvReader.readLine(); //get rid of header

while ((line = csvReader.readLine()) != null) {
csvContents.add(line);// add the line to the ArrayList

for (String csvLine : csvContents) {

// split by comma and remove redundant spaces
String[] data = csvLine.split("\\s*,\\s*");
System.out.println(data[1]);// IndexOutOfBound

Character character = null;
String clazz = data[0].toLowerCase();// cannot use word "class" as a variable

if (clazz.startsWith("scenario"&& data.length == 1)) {
scenario = new Scenario();
} else if ("person".equals(clazz)&& data.length == 10) {
Profession professionEnum = Profession.valueOf(data[4].toUpperCase());
Gender genderEnum = Gender.valueOf(data[1].toUpperCase());
BodyType bodyTypeEnum =BodyType.valueOf(data[3].toUpperCase());
person = new Person(Integer.parseInt(data[2]), professionEnum ,genderEnum , bodyTypeEnum , Boolean.parseBoolean(data[5]));
} else if ("animal".equals(clazz)) {
animal = new Animal(Integer.parseInt(data[2]) , genderEnum , bodyTypeEnum, data[7]);
} catch (someException e) {

How to parse a csv file and store datails in java bean class

Create a POJO

private class Data{//You can make it public too, in a separate class
String email;
String fname;
String lname;



In your original class you can use like this

List<Data> datas = new ArrayList<Data>();
try {
stream = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(csvFileName));
while ((line = stream.readLine()) != null) {
String[] splitted = line.split(",");
Data data = new Data();


You will have all rows in your arraylist. You can put a null check to make it more efficient.

How to parse CSV file into an array in Android Studio

Where to put the CSV file in Android
Create a folder named “raw” inside the “res” folder and put the CSV file in it.

How to read CSV file,
Nothing special since its Android. All we are going to use our standard Java code. Its better to use our own code instead of going to an API. Following class is an utility to read CSV file and it can be used from within the Android application.
In which array we will store items of csv file
In these example it is scorelist arraylist .

public class CSVFile {
InputStream inputStream;

public CSVFile(InputStream inputStream){
this.inputStream = inputStream;

public List read(){
List resultList = new ArrayList();
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(inputStream));
try {
String csvLine;
while ((csvLine = reader.readLine()) != null) {
String[] row = csvLine.split(",");
catch (IOException ex) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error in reading CSV file: "+ex);
finally {
try {
catch (IOException e) {
throw new RuntimeException("Error while closing input stream: "+e);
return resultList;

So how to load the CSV file from “raw” folder and use the above utility to read it?

InputStream inputStream = getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.stats);
CSVFile csvFile = new CSVFile(inputStream);
List scoreList = csvFile.read();


public class MainActivity extends Activity {
private ListView listView;
private ItemArrayAdapter itemArrayAdapter;

public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
listView = (ListView) findViewById(R.id.listView);
itemArrayAdapter = new ItemArrayAdapter(getApplicationContext(), R.layout.item_layout);

Parcelable state = listView.onSaveInstanceState();

InputStream inputStream = getResources().openRawResource(R.raw.stats);
CSVFile csvFile = new CSVFile(inputStream);
List scoreList = csvFile.read();

for(String[] scoreData:scoreList ) {


public class ItemArrayAdapter extends ArrayAdapter {
private List scoreList = new ArrayList();

static class ItemViewHolder {
TextView name;
TextView score;

public ItemArrayAdapter(Context context, int textViewResourceId) {
super(context, textViewResourceId);

public void add(String[] object) {

public int getCount() {
return this.scoreList.size();

public String[] getItem(int index) {
return this.scoreList.get(index);

public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {
View row = convertView;
ItemViewHolder viewHolder;
if (row == null) {
LayoutInflater inflater = (LayoutInflater) this.getContext().
row = inflater.inflate(R.layout.item_layout, parent, false);
viewHolder = new ItemViewHolder();
viewHolder.name = (TextView) row.findViewById(R.id.name);
viewHolder.score = (TextView) row.findViewById(R.id.score);
} else {
viewHolder = (ItemViewHolder)row.getTag();
String[] stat = getItem(position);
return row;


<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:layout_marginTop="10dp" />


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<RelativeLayout xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
android:layout_marginLeft="20dp" />
android:layout_marginRight="20dp" />

For the whole source code you can refers to these link javapapers.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/07/CSVFileRead.zip

I think it will help

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