Converting a String to an Integer on Android

Converting a string to an integer on Android

See the Integer class and the static parseInt() method:


You will need to catch NumberFormatException though in case of problems whilst parsing, so:

int myNum = 0;

try {
myNum = Integer.parseInt(et.getText().toString());
} catch(NumberFormatException nfe) {
System.out.println("Could not parse " + nfe);

How to convert string to integer in android?


if(userid != null && !userid.trim().isEmpty()){
int U_ID = Integer.parseInt(userid)

Converting string into int to find a result in java android

Instead of Integer.parseInt(getTextView); , you will have to first extract the numbers from the string obtained from the TextView and then convert them to integer separately and then do the arithmetic operation.

Do it as below.

equal.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
public void onClick(View v) {
String getTextView = textView.getText().toString();
String[] numbers = getTextView.split("+");
int value = Integer.parseInt(numbers[0]) + Integer.parseInt(numbers[1]);


String[] numbers = getTextView.split("+");


String[] numbers = getTextView.split("\\+");

to prevent the dangling metacharacter error.

How to convert an image string into integer on Android?

Let us assume you are trying to display the image which is in Base64 format.

Decode the incoming Base64 string to ByteArray

val imageByteArray = Base64.decode(user.image, Base64.DEFAULT)

Then load imageByteArray to the Glide as below.

.load(imageByteArray) // ==> Pass the ByteArray here

EDIT 1 : Updated Answer

From your code I can see that, drawing to canvas code is placed outside the addOnSuccessListener from snapshots. But you are accessing the fields of loggedInUser before the completion of addOnSuccessListener where the data is assigned.

addOnSuccessListener is async operation and will not be executed
in sequence like you written in your existing code.

Move the following code inside the addOnSuccessListener.

canvas1.drawBitmap(BitmapFactory.decodeResource(resources,loggedInUser.image.toInt()), 0F, 0F, color)
canvas1.drawText("User Name!", 30F, 40F, color)

Your existing code.

.addOnSuccessListener { document ->
loggedInUser = document.toObject(!!
canvas1.drawBitmap(BitmapFactory.decodeResource(resources,loggedInUser.image.toInt()), 0F, 0F, color)
canvas1.drawText("User Name!", 30F, 40F, color)

Updated Answer 2 :

Based on the error log, the image is retrieved as an remote url which can be directly loaded in the ImageView. But when you are trying to draw it in the canvas you need to decode the file from the remote url as stream and then set it in the Canvas.

Something like below

HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection();
Bitmap receivedImageasBitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(connection .getInputStream());

Converting String to Int in Android, JSON

As simple as:

int i = Integer.parseInt(yourString);

Or, for floats:

float f = Float.parseFloat(yourString);

Converting String/Double to Int in Android

 double x = Double.parseDouble(your_string);
int y = (int) x;

y is going to have value of x with decimals cutted of.

Before casting to int you are able to floor or ceil the number if you want.

Don't forget that parsing functions usually throw an exception when your_string is not a number.

android studio how to convert string with id to int?

What you are asking is completely wrong.

"" is a String that can't be converted in a int.

It will always throw a NumberFormatException .

Check the javadoc:

Parses the string argument as a signed decimal integer. The characters in the string must all be decimal digits, except that the first character may be an ASCII minus sign '-' ('\u002D') to indicate a negative value or an ASCII plus sign '+' ('\u002B') to indicate a positive value. The resulting integer value is returned, exactly as if the argument and the radix 10 were given as arguments to the parseInt(java.lang.String, int) method.

If the resource used in your strings.xml with the same id is a integer, you have to use somenthing different:

<string name="mystring">12</string>

Use this code to retrieve a string:

String string = getString(R.string.mystring);

int number = Integer.parseInt(string);
} catch (NumberFormatException nfe){

How to convert String to Int in Kotlin?

You could call toInt() on your String instances:

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
for (str in args) {
try {
val parsedInt = str.toInt()
println("The parsed int is $parsedInt")
} catch (nfe: NumberFormatException) {
// not a valid int

Or toIntOrNull() as an alternative:

for (str in args) {
val parsedInt = str.toIntOrNull()
if (parsedInt != null) {
println("The parsed int is $parsedInt")
} else {
// not a valid int

If you don't care about the invalid values, then you could combine toIntOrNull() with the safe call operator and a scope function, for example:

for (str in args) {
str.toIntOrNull()?.let {
println("The parsed int is $it")

Converting a String to an Integer in Android

Set wallpaper from URL

    try {
URL url = new URL("");
Bitmap bitmap = BitmapFactory.decodeStream(url.openStream());
} catch (MalformedURLException e) {
} catch (IOException e) {

Enjoy =)

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