Dynamic Variable Names Java

Assigning variables with dynamic names in Java

This is not how you do things in Java. There are no dynamic variables in Java. Java variables have to be declared in the source code1.

Depending on what you are trying to achieve, you should use an array, a List or a Map; e.g.

int n[] = new int[3];
for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
n[i] = 5;

List<Integer> n = new ArrayList<Integer>();
for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) {

Map<String, Integer> n = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) {
n.put("n" + i, 5);

It is possible to use reflection to dynamically refer to variables that have been declared in the source code. However, this only works for variables that are class members (i.e. static and instance fields). It doesn't work for local variables. See @fyr's "quick and dirty" example.

However doing this kind of thing unnecessarily in Java is a bad idea. It is inefficient, the code is more complicated, and since you are relying on runtime checking it is more fragile. And this is not "variables with dynamic names". It is better described as dynamic access to variables with static names.

1 - That statement is slightly inaccurate. If you use BCEL or ASM, you can "declare" the variables in the bytecode file. But don't do it! That way lies madness!

create variables dynamically, Data Types of java Variables

You can not create dynamic variables in Java because Java isn't a scripting language. YOu need to create variables in source code. But Java provides other ways to do this.
You can use arrays or Map<String, String> etc for this purpose.

Map<String, String> map= new HashMap<>(); 
int i=0;
while(true) {
// you can use whatever condition you need
details.put("key" + i, "val: "+i);
// some condition to break the loop

How to create variables dynamically in Java?

A Map allows you to relate any key with any value. In this case, the key is the name of the variable, and the value is the value

Map<String, String> details = new HashMap<>();
for (int i = 1; i <101; i++) {
if (i<60) {
details.put("person" + i, "female");
else {
details.put("person" + i, "male");

Dynamic variable names Java

Use a normal HashMap with variable names as strings against their values. Or use a EnumMap with enums as key and your value as values. AFAIK, that's the closest you can get when using Java. Sure, you can mess around with reflection but IMO the map approach is much more logical.

Is there away to generate Variables' names dynamically in Java?

Following is the way that i have implemented and helped me to fix my solution easily without much hurdles.

// Creating the array List

List accountList = new ArrayList(); 

for(int k=0;k < counter;k++){
accountList.add(k, (String)flowCtx.getValueAt("transitId"+m));

Iterating the loop and adding the objects into the arraylist with the index.

//Retrieving the object at run time with the help of the index

String a = accountList.get(i));

How to create a dynamic variable name ? Android Studio id name problem

R.id.* is actually an integer value. You can get it with Resources#getIdentifier method.

TextView place = findViewById(
getResources().getIdentifier("selected" + counter, "id", getPackageName())

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