Xcode 4.2 Sigabrt Error

Xcode 4.2 SIGABRT Error

The line UIApplicationMain(argc, argv, nil, NSStringFromClass([AppDelegate class])); just means that an exception was thrown during the running of your program. This could range from a memory problem, to a simple runtime error. Look in the target debugger console; it will tell you where the error occurred.

Edited due to edited question: I have solved this question before by restoring the iOS simulator to factory defaults (Open "iOS Simulator" Menu in the upper left -> Reset Content and Settings). Then quit the iOS simulator and Xcode, and then restart your computer. This will get rid of the other instance of the process.

SIGABRT Xcode 4.2 issue

What did it for me, was something that I found here that has to do with creating NSZombies

I'll at least copy the highlights:

  1. Go to your project in Xcode 4
  2. Environment variables can be set up in the Scheme editor (find Product -> Edit scheme… in menu bar):
  3. Name the variable as NSZombieEnabled and set its value to YES.
  4. Run your app in Debug mode. You likely get a … message sent
    to deallocated instance… message and the debugger stops at the line in error. This information leads to the problem.
  5. When ready, disable NSZombieEnabled by changing YES to NO.

Core data app giving sigabrt error on xcode 4.2

Hitting the stop button in the simulator is the equivalent to what you called "remove the app from multitasking" (AKA, double tap the home button, and then kill the app). Unfortunately, the simulator will throw you an error every time you do that, and then try and launch the app again.. Hitting Stop, then start again is the same thing in simulator, so that's how I would test it.

On a device: Run your app on a device, then hit stop in the simulator.
Then back on your device, open the app again, and you can test it all day without the annoying error you speak of.

Hope that helps.

Getting a SIGABRT error on a new project

From the docs:

The default implementation of this method throws an exception because
at least one of the writing methods (this method,
writeToURL:ofType:error:, fileWrapperOfType:error:, or
writeToURL:ofType:forSaveOperation:originalContentsURL:error:) must be

My guess is that you didn't implement these method(s). I also bet you're on Lion and have autosaving enabled (see +autosavesInPlace), and that the exception is thrown when the app tries to autosave after an internal timer / change watcher is triggered.

SIGABRT error after IB fix attempted

Solution to the SIGABRT problem:

On my main VC xib, I had moved some labels off the view, or buried them behind others, that I no longer needed. I couldn't see them. When I deleted (commented out) the IBOutlet for the label in the .h, the program bombed with that rather uninformative message.

Fix: bring up the xib. Click the little rewind button at the bottom left, or go Editor/Show Document Outline. Expand View from the pane that appears. Find the name of the label or outlet you don't want. Press delete. Now you can safely remove it from the .h file.

Huge relief, and a little self-congratulations for creating a snapshot before I had begun the tidying of the code, and removing code by commenting out and running before deleting it permanently.

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