Xcode Error While Validation - "Your Binary Is Not Optimized for iPhone 5"

Xcode error while validation - Your binary is not optimized for iPhone 5

Are you sure the 568h file is actually in PNG format? Also make sure that you provided support for iphone 5 for all your screens? Only adding Default-568h@2x.png is not gaurantee for iphone 5 support. You have to check for framing of all your view for iphone 3.5" and 4" device.

You can do the framing by code or autoresizing that is other thing.

Kindly check out this link: Your binary is not optimized for iPhone 5

Xcode error while validation - “Your binary is not optimized for iPhone 5”

Turns out if your app supports iOS 7, you still need to provide iPhone 5 Launch Screen PNG files, besides the storyboard.

Or you can just drop iOS 7 support.

Xcode error while validation - “Your binary is not optimized for iPhone 5”

Turns out if your app supports iOS 7, you still need to provide iPhone 5 Launch Screen PNG files, besides the storyboard.

Or you can just drop iOS 7 support.

Your binary is not optimized for iPhone 5

If you are working with Images.xcassets make sure in your projects settings, General > App Icons and Launch Images > Launch Image Source is set.

INVALID BINARY : Your binary is not optimized for iPhone 5 As of May 1

The way you named the large app icon is correct "Default-568h@2x.png". If you are using any background image for your app, make sure the image exists for iPhone 5.

I guess you are trying to support older versions of iPhone like 3G. Apple stopped supporting older versions of iPhone.
To overcome this issue what you are facing, all you have to do is compile with latest SDK. Keep armv7 architecture in Project build settings. And keep deployment target >= 4.3 SDK.
This is the fix for your issue.

Your binary is not optimized for iPhone 5 after I upload an app with xcode 6.0.1

We faced the same issue and couldn't solve it after trying many solutions, we believe it's a kind of bug in App submission.
But we found a workaround which can keep launch images localized and pass the submission verification.


Xcode 6.1 (6A1052c) with iOS 8.1 SDK


Have following properties in your "*-info.plist" file.

enter image description here


  1. Go to your target's settings and in our standard scenario (localize
    launch images, which uses "UILaunchImages" in "*-info.plist" but not
    image assets), it should look like the image
    enter image description here

  2. Change the setting to use image assets (Note: after this step, Xcode will automatically REMOVE the "UILaunchImages" properties in your *-info.plist file. So please BACKUP the properties first.)

  3. Go to the "LaunchImage" assets (can click the arrow button on the right) and fill with images from one of your *.lproj folder.
    enter image description here

  4. Now, go to the "LaunchImage" folder which contains images and "Contents.json" file.
    enter image description here

  5. Remove ALL the launch IMAGES just added, but keep the "Contents.json" (and it's content) file.

  6. Check the "Contents.json", it should contains properties like image below
    enter image description here

Double check following items:

  • Localized launch images in resource folders (en.lproj, ja.lproj, etc.)

  • *-info.plist contains "UILaunchImages" properties

  • Project setting uses image asset for launch images

  • "Contents.json" in "LaunchImage" asset folder, and the folder DOES NOT really have launch images

Now you can have a try for localized launch images and submit the binary to iTunes Connect. In our App, the workaround did work for "localized launch images" and "submission successful".

It should be a trick for avoiding the bug in submission checking.

Since the workaround above doesn't change any resource, except making the checking thinks we use image assets, we are more convinced that there are some bugs in Apple's checking.


My binary is not optimized for iPhone 5 while having localized splash screens

The issue here seemed to be that it was expected that the splashes would be in EVERY localization folder, even if I didn't localize the splash for that particular language. INCLUDING Base.lproj. After copying the english splashes into default, the app got through the initial check and is awaiting review as we speak.

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