Xcode 11.4. Navigation's Title Color Gone Black from Storyboard

Xcode 11.4. Navigation's Title Color gone BLACK from storyboard

Apple finally fixed it in version 11.4.1


iOS 13.4 SDK update Navigation Bar title colour is set to Black?

it is a bug in Xcode Interface Builder. Apple release Update for Xcode 11.4.1

from Apple developer release notes

Interface Builder

Fixed an issue that caused some UINavigationBar appearance properties
set in storyboard and XIB documents to be ignored when building with
Xcode 11.4. (60883063) (FB7639654)


Change the title color of a navigation item in Xcode 11.4

I updated Xcode to version 11.4.1 (11E503a) and it fixed the issue.

I think it was a strange Xcode bug. I tried to reproduce it in an empty project, but I couldn't.

Changing color of all bar button items at once in iOS StoryBoard

The best fix was to replace the global tint color of the storyboard as proposed in the comments of the original question. Changing every color would also have fixed it but wouldn't be easy or futureproof.

Unchanged barTintColor UINavigationBar on iOS 13.4

I was having the same issue, what fixed it for me was this:

On the storyboard, for your Navigation Controller change the "Bar Tint" to its "Default" value, then on your code you can change it as you normally would.

    // For the navigation bar
navigationController?.navigationBar.barTintColor = .red

// For the title
let attributes = [NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: UIColor.white ]
navigationController?.navigationBar.titleTextAttributes = attributes

Sample Image

I have the code in viewDidLoad()

Sample Image

Oddly enough for me, it also fixed the issue I was having with the "Status Bar".

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