Why am I Getting an Error Regarding Bolts Framework and Facebooksdk When I'm Not Even Using Bolts

Why am I getting an error regarding Bolts framework and FacebookSDK when I'm not even using Bolts?

  1. Open the project in Xcode.
  2. Go to where you extracted the FacebookSDK. If you're using Mac OSX,
    it should be available in Documents/FacebookSDK.
  3. Grab the
    Bolts.framework file and drop into your Frameworks folder in
    Xcode for your project.

It should build now.

Facebook sdk and Bolts framework (duplicate symbols)

Facebook v4.8 SDK does not have facebooksdk.framework.

If you are using the latest version of Parse then,i would recommend using the latest version of facebook sdk too.

Follow this links for making sure that you are integrating it properly.

Facebook getting started

Parse FB integration

For basic login and graph api request from Facebook and linking it to Parse.You need to include FBSDKCoreKit.framework,FBSDKLoginKit.framework,FBSDKShareKit.framework,Parse.framework
I hope that,it helps!

FacebookSDK and Bolts conflicting each other (duplicate symbols) on build

Had the same issue.

  • Removing the Bolts.framework was NOT a solution since I get the errors that Leo Flaherty mentioned (comment in the accepted answer).
  • Using the solution mentioned by iOS_DEV seems like an ugly hack to me.
  • Using the latest Parse and Facebook SDKs was also NOT a solution (mentioned by Simon Bøgh) since I was using the version 3.x of the Facebook SDK and the latest is 4.x.
    The Facebook SDK Change log mentions: The Facebook SDK for iOS v4.0 is a major version upgrade.
    Since I needed to meet a deadline, I couldn't dedicate time on re-writing all my Facebook code, to fit with the new 4.x SDK version.

Solution that I propose:

Instead of adding the Bolts.framework and FacebookSDK.framework as framework to your project, add them as Pods:

pod 'Bolts'
pod 'Facebook-iOS-SDK', '3.23.1'

Find here all the Facebook SDK versions available, in case you need to use one which is not the latest.

In case you're using Swift, you need to add the following in your bridging header:

#import <FacebookSDK/FacebookSDK.h>
#import <Bolts/Bolts.h>

Parse and facebook sdk -duplicate symbol

Using Facebook and Parse Framework at the same time will cause a multiple duplicate symbol. No idea why this happens also. Removing Bolts.framework from Parse will resolve this issue.

Xcode 9 _OBJC_CLASS_$_FBSDKApplicationDelegate

Well, the solution was weird, basically, I removed the Drag and Drop to my Framework group, and I added the FBSDKCoreKit, FBSDKLoginKit and Bolt using the general settings adding them in Linked Frameworks and Libraries

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