Exc_Bad_Access in Parent Class Init() with Xcode 10.2

Legacy ObjC/Swift codebase crashes tests in `swift_checkMetadataState`: how to disentangle app/test targets?

I believe the issue to be that only a framework target auto-creates the swift-to-objc header file Module-Swift.h: neither the app target nor a test target appear to do so.

I successfully resolved these issues by creating two new framework targets
* MyCompanyStuffThatUsedToBeInApp (containing everything that used to be in the app target except main.h), which does bidirectional swift/objc interop and
* MyCompanyTesting (a framework target imported by the tests, which likewise does bidirectional swift/objc interop for test-only code).

There may still be simpler ways to tidy this up, but this one at least is proven to work.

swift subclasses used in generics don't get called when inheriting from NSObject

I was able to confirm your results and submitted it as a bug, https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-10617. Turns out this is a known issue! I was informed (by good old Hamish) that I was duplicating https://bugs.swift.org/browse/SR-10285.

In my bug submission, I created a clean compact reduction of your example, suitable for sending to Apple:

protocol P {
func doThing()

class Wrapper<T:P> {
func go() {

class A : NSObject, P {
required override init() {}
func doThing() {

class B : A {
required override init() {}
override func doThing() {


On Xcode 9.2, we get "B". On Xcode 10.2, we get "A". That alone is enough to warrant a bug report.

In my report I listed three ways to work around the issue, all of which confirm that this is a bug (because none of them should make any difference):

  • make the generic parameterized type's constraint be A instead of P

  • or, mark the protocol P as @objc

  • or, don't have A inherit from NSObject

UPDATE: And it turns out (from Apple's own release notes) there's yet another way:

  • mark A's init as @nonobjc

How to have stored properties in Swift, the same way I had on Objective-C?

Associated objects API is a bit cumbersome to use. You can remove most of the boilerplate with a helper class.

public final class ObjectAssociation<T: AnyObject> {

private let policy: objc_AssociationPolicy

/// - Parameter policy: An association policy that will be used when linking objects.
public init(policy: objc_AssociationPolicy = .OBJC_ASSOCIATION_RETAIN_NONATOMIC) {

self.policy = policy

/// Accesses associated object.
/// - Parameter index: An object whose associated object is to be accessed.
public subscript(index: AnyObject) -> T? {

get { return objc_getAssociatedObject(index, Unmanaged.passUnretained(self).toOpaque()) as! T? }
set { objc_setAssociatedObject(index, Unmanaged.passUnretained(self).toOpaque(), newValue, policy) }

Provided that you can "add" a property to objective-c class in a more readable manner:

extension SomeType {

private static let association = ObjectAssociation<NSObject>()

var simulatedProperty: NSObject? {

get { return SomeType.association[self] }
set { SomeType.association[self] = newValue }

As for the solution:

extension CALayer {

private static let initialPathAssociation = ObjectAssociation<CGPath>()
private static let shapeLayerAssociation = ObjectAssociation<CAShapeLayer>()

var initialPath: CGPath! {
get { return CALayer.initialPathAssociation[self] }
set { CALayer.initialPathAssociation[self] = newValue }

var shapeLayer: CAShapeLayer? {
get { return CALayer.shapeLayerAssociation[self] }
set { CALayer.shapeLayerAssociation[self] = newValue }

Forced to cast, even if protocol requires given type

Adopting the protocol Fooable tells the compiler that this particular UIViewController responds to foo(), no less no more.

In reverse conclusion Fooable does not become UIViewController necessarily.

The constraint Self: UIViewController is just another information for the compiler to complain at compile time if the affected class is not UIViewController

In your case when annotating SampleViewController to Fooable the compiler knows only that SampleViewController responds to foo(). It does not know that the type is actually a subclass of UIViewController.

So do not annotate a concrete class to a protocol if you want to access properties of the concrete class.

However you could add the show method and other common properties / methods to the protocol

protocol Fooable: class where Self: UIViewController {
func foo()
func show(_ vc: Fooable, sender: Any?)

then you can use Fooable because the compiler knows that the type adopting the protocol responds to the method.

A suitable practice to annotate a type to a protocol is for example when you are going to create a heterogenous but restricted collection type

let array : [CustomStringConvertible] = ["Foo", 1, false]
array.forEach{ print("\($0)")}

The code prints the three items using the description property which all items respond to. The compiler recognizes the three items as types which have a description property, not as String, Int and Bool.


In Swift 5 support of superclass constrained protocols is implemented.

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