Webkit Overflow Scrolling Touch CSS Bug on iPad

webkit-overflow-scrolling: auto; not working on touch devices

I think I found something for you:

How to disable inertial scrolling on body for iOS browsers?

It's just a matter of using a <body> wrapper, like a <div>, and applying overflow: auto; to that div. Basically Chrome for iOS is telling you "let me handle the <body> element, but do whatever you want with other elements.

CSS3 property webkit-overflow-scrolling:touch ERROR

As @relluf pointed out, applying 3D transitions on the relative element fixes the bug. However, I investigated it a bit further and it seems that applying -webkit-transform: translateZ(0px) works too (this is what Google does on gmaps map container) and it does not need to be on the relatively positioned element, just the direct descendant of the scrollable element.

So if you don't want to manually keep a list of all the places where the fix is needed, you just might do:

element {
-webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch;

element > * {
-webkit-transform: translateZ(0px);

Webkit overflow scrolling touch CSS bug on iPad

I am actually having the exact same issue. I have narrowed it down to the fact that it affects DIVs whose content's no longer require scrolling when the orientation is changed.

In your example. The DIV on the right scrolls in landscape, does not NEED to scroll in portrait, but then needs to scroll again. I have tested this when both DIVs (left and right) need to scroll regardless of orientation and its not a problem.


I actually seem to have fixed this!

The issue appears to be a timing issue. During resize the inner content is not big enough to warrant scrolling on the outer DIV that has overflow. After wasting a day on this, I finally came up with this hack:

<div id="header" style="position:fixed; height:100px">Header</div>
<div id="content" style="overflow: auto; -webkit-overflow-scrolling: touch">
<div id="contentInner">
content that is not long enough to always scroll during different orientations

Here is my logic whenever the page resizes:

   function handleResize()
var iHeight = $(window).height() - $("#header").height();

// Height needs to be set, to allow for scrolling -
//this is the fixed container that will scroll
$('#content').height(iHeight - 10);

// Temporarily blow out the inner content, to FORCE ipad to scroll during resizing
// This is a timing issue where the inner content is not big enough during resize post orientation to require the outer DIV to scroll

// Set the heights back to something normal
// We have to "pause" long enough for the re-orientation resize to finish
window.setTimeout(delayFix, 10);

function delayFix()
var iHeight = $(window).height() - $("#header").height();

// Inner divs force the outer div to always have at least something to scroll. This makes the inner DIV always "rubber-band" and prevents
// the page from scrolling all over the place for no reason.
// The height of the inner guy needs to be AT LEAST as big as the container and actually a nip bigger to cause the
// scrollable area to 'rubber band' properly
$('#contentInner').height(iHeight + 20);


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