How to Get Commoncrypto/Commoncrypto File From

Swift 3 import CommonCrypto

I know there are similar questions on stackoverflow about this but I looked at them and still had problems so I wanted to share my experiences.

Easiest way to import the Obj-C CommonCrypto library to an existing Swift XCode Project (Swift 3, Xcode 8.3.3):

  1. Add a new file of type "Objective-C file". It doesn't matter what you call it, you will delete it in a moment.
  2. After you add that file Xcode should prompt you if you want to create a bridging header. Check the appropriate targets for you project and allow Xcode to create the bridging header for you.
  3. Add #import < CommonCrypto/CommonCrypto.h > to the bridging header(s) it creates.
  4. Delete the Objective-C file you created in step 1.

I tried to create my own Objective-C bridging file and it wasn't working. I spent about an hour looking for solutions until I tried this. I wanted to share to hopefully spare other developers the issue I had.

Importing CommonCrypto in a Swift framework

I found a GitHub project that successfully uses CommonCrypto in a Swift framework: SHA256-Swift. Also, this article about the same problem with sqlite3 was useful.

Based on the above, the steps are:

1) Create a CommonCrypto directory inside the project directory. Within, create a file. The module map will allow us to use the CommonCrypto library as a module within Swift. Its contents are:

module CommonCrypto [system] {
header "/Applications/"
link "CommonCrypto"
export *

2) In Build Settings, within Swift Compiler - Search Paths, add the CommonCrypto directory to Import Paths (SWIFT_INCLUDE_PATHS).

Build Settings

3) Finally, import CommonCrypto inside your Swift files as any other modules. For example:

import CommonCrypto

extension String {

func hnk_MD5String() -> String {
if let data = self.dataUsingEncoding(NSUTF8StringEncoding)
let result = NSMutableData(length: Int(CC_MD5_DIGEST_LENGTH))
let resultBytes = UnsafeMutablePointer<CUnsignedChar>(result.mutableBytes)
CC_MD5(data.bytes, CC_LONG(data.length), resultBytes)
let resultEnumerator = UnsafeBufferPointer<CUnsignedChar>(start: resultBytes, length: result.length)
let MD5 = NSMutableString()
for c in resultEnumerator {
MD5.appendFormat("%02x", c)
return MD5
return ""


Using the custom framework in another project fails at compile time with the error missing required module 'CommonCrypto'. This is because the CommonCrypto module does not appear to be included with the custom framework. A workaround is to repeat step 2 (setting Import Paths) in the project that uses the framework.

The module map is not platform independent (it currently points to a specific platform, the iOS 8 Simulator). I don't know how to make the header path relative to the current platform.

Updates for iOS 8 <= We should remove the line link "CommonCrypto", to get the successful compilation.


I kept getting the following build error:

ld: library not found for -lCommonCrypto for architecture x86_64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)

Unless I removed the line link "CommonCrypto" from the file I created. Once I removed this line it built ok.

Can't import CommonCrypto in mixed language framework

I've encountered this very problem myself. Here's how you resolve it:

  1. Create a module map file (here's my file).
  2. Copy the latest CommonCrypto.h header.
  3. Create a directory CommonCrypto for both these files.
  4. Copy the directory (via drag-and-drop) to your project.
  5. Add the directory path under SWIFT_INCLUDE_PATHS for your target framework.

This should allow you to use import CommonCrypto wherever you want (for Swift, not Objective-C).

Edit: Seems like I misread the question initially. You want to use CommonCrypto in Objective-C and then use that from Swift. Here's some advice: don't #import CommonCrypto in your public headers, but rather just internally. Wrap all your crypto-structures so that there's no public dependency for CommonCrypto whatsoever, and then just use it from Swift via the default bridging procedure.

Swift CommonCrypto Adding Error

module CommonCrypto [system] { 
header "/Applications/"
export *

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