How to Set Hex Color Code for Background

.setBackgroundColor with Hex Color Codes AndroidStudio

There are two main classes for color handling in Java/Android.

This first one is from "plain" Java and can be found in java.awt.Color.
This class supports converting a String into a color with the method decode.

Color red = Color.decode("#FF0000");

The second class is for Android and can be found in
The conversion can be done with the method parseColor.

int red = Color.parseColor("#FF0000");

So you should check which kind of Color class you've imported to your project. I recommend using the Android version of Color for your case. If you've done that the statement targetView.setBackgroundColor(Color.parseColor("#FFFFFF")); should work.

how to set hex color code for background

I like to use this little piece of code to use HTML web colors in my apps.


[self.view setBackgroundColor: [self colorWithHexString:@"FFFFFF"]]; /* white */

The Code:

NSString *cString = [[hex stringByTrimmingCharactersInSet:[NSCharacterSet whitespaceAndNewlineCharacterSet]] uppercaseString];

// String should be 6 or 8 characters
if ([cString length] < 6) return [UIColor grayColor];

// strip 0X if it appears
if ([cString hasPrefix:@"0X"]) cString = [cString substringFromIndex:2];

if ([cString length] != 6) return [UIColor grayColor];

// Separate into r, g, b substrings
NSRange range;
range.location = 0;
range.length = 2;
NSString *rString = [cString substringWithRange:range];

range.location = 2;
NSString *gString = [cString substringWithRange:range];

range.location = 4;
NSString *bString = [cString substringWithRange:range];

// Scan values
unsigned int r, g, b;
[[NSScanner scannerWithString:rString] scanHexInt:&r];
[[NSScanner scannerWithString:gString] scanHexInt:&g];
[[NSScanner scannerWithString:bString] scanHexInt:&b];

return [UIColor colorWithRed:((float) r / 255.0f)
green:((float) g / 255.0f)
blue:((float) b / 255.0f)

Set Background Color using HEX

I would suggest .attr( attributeName, function ) and CSSStyleDeclaration.removeProperty() instead to use a regex:

$("div").attr('style', function() {'color'); // remove color if exist....

return + 'color:#3282c3;'; // add your color


$("div").each(function() {


<script src=""></script>

<div style="font-family: Helvetica;line-height: 100%;margin-top: 20px; text-align: left;vertical-align: bottom;color: blue">

I want a hex color! (I have already a style prop...)



I want a hex color!


How to change desired div's background color by entering hex color in input filed (with jQuery or without)?


you can use keyup event:

 $('.pickedColor').keyup(function() {

$('.elementToChange').css('background-color', $(this).val());

<script src=""></script>


<span>Enter color (Hex Code):</span>

<span> <input class="pickedColor" type="text"/> </span>



<div class="elementToChange" style="height:40px; width:40px; border:1px solid black"></div>

how to set a view's background color using a precise hex via interfacebuilder?

Add a hex color picker to your system. I use

for loop print same hex color as background color

You could clean it up a bit and use the same color for the background color too.

function returnMe() {

var content = "";

for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) {

var color = '#' + (function co(lor){ return (lor +=


&& (lor.length == 6) ? lor : co(lor); })('');

content += "<a class='a' href=''>";

content += "<span class='b'>";

content += color + "</span>";

content += "<span class='c' style='background: "+ color +"'></span>";

content += "</a>";


document.getElementById("clr").innerHTML = content;


.a {

display: inline-block;

background: #fff;

border: 1px solid #e2e2e2;

width: 180px;

height: 180px;

margin: 10px;

text-align: center


.b {

background: #f9f9f9;

display: inline-block;

width: 100%;

padding: 10px 0


.c {

display: inline-block;

width: 100%;

height: 141px

<div id="clr"></div>

Get Background Color of a View in hex

LinearLayout layout = (LinearLayout) findViewById(;
ColorDrawable viewColor = (ColorDrawable) layout.getBackground();
int colorId = viewColor.getColor();

After getting as integer type of color, now you have to convert to hexadecimal:

String hexColor = String.format("#%06X", (0xFFFFFF & colorId));

Hope this helps..

How can I get HEX or RGB color code of the window background color?

The winfo_rgb method on all widgets will accept a color name and return the r, g, and b components as integers in the range of 0-65535 (16 bits). You can then convert those to hex using standard python string formatting.

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