Terminating App Due to Uncaught Exception 'Nsinvalidargumentexception' - iOS Google Sign In

Uncaught NSInvalidArgumentException when using Google Sign In for iOS

What's going on is that the Google SDK is retrieving your client configuration from the dictionary in GoogleService-Info.plist but it most likely is not finding any configurations or is not able to find the file.

When you call [[GGLContext sharedInstance] configureWithError: .., e.g.:

NSError* configureError;
[[GGLContext sharedInstance] configureWithError: &configureError];

The code parses your client ID from the Google-ServiceInfo.plist file, which you should add to a supporting files or other shared resources folder, and then checks that you have also added a URI for the reversed client ID, which is pulled from the plist dictionary.

First of all, if you don't have this file, generate it by following the wizard on the new Enable Google services for your app page.

Next, make sure that you're copying the GoogleService-Info.plist file as a resource in your Xcode project in the build phases section. When you have successfully added it to your project (usually best added in a Shared Resources section) the error message will no longer indicate a null URI is required.

Finally, make sure that you have added the bundle ID and reversed client ID in your application's URLs - which should be easy to do because the error message will tell you what's missing at this point.

If all this is still giving you trouble, you might want to try Google Sign-In for iOS using the quickstart sample by running:

pod try Google

And starting from the SignInExample.xcodeproject sample...

NSInvalidArgumentException from OIDAuthorizationService when using google signin in SwiftUI

The method that is being called, is present in this file.

If your runtime can not find this method, it means that this file is not included into the project.

If you are using CocoaPods, this file should be automatically included for ios platform. Please insure that you specify

platform :ios, '13.0'

in your Podfile.

Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[__NSCFBoolean length]

As i'm not used to iOS - Swift - Xcode ecosystem took me a while to figure this out, the Xcode logs were a bit confusing to me. After reading issues on GitHub this popped out and had something related with my console message What should be the domainNetworkPolicy while using flutter in existing iOS App

This made me realize that was something with the Info.plist file.

The problem was the package flutter_webview_plugin and with its configuration on iOS. The XML code was wrong after updating.

This is the correct XML, thanks to vanelizarov:


Google Sign In Exception Error swift

Write Client ID in applicationdidfinish method of AppDelegate class or in viewDidLoad before the google signin delegating self.

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