How to Programmatically Wrap Png Texture Around Cube in Scenekit

How to programmatically wrap png texture around cube in SceneKit

Passing an array of images (to create a cube map) is only supported by the reflective material property and the scene's background.

In your case, all the images are the same, so you would only have to assign the image (not an array) to the contents to have it appear on all sides of the box

SceneKit texture mapping issue on material

It seems you need to programmatically set the wrap modes of each material property in order to avoid this "wrap-around" behavior. Configure each material property to which you've assigned a texture such that its wrapS and wrapT properties are .clamp, rather than .repeat, which appears to be the default when loading materials from an .scn file.

let nodes = scene.rootNode.childNodes // get a list of relevant nodes
for node in nodes {
guard let materials = node.geometry?.materials else { continue }
for material in materials {
material.diffuse.wrapS = .clamp
material.diffuse.wrapT = .clamp
// ...confgure other material properties as necessary...

ARkit - Loading .scn file from Web-Server URL in SCNScene

About init?(named: String), the documentation says:

Loads a scene from a file with the specified name in the app’s main bundle

since you don't have such file inside the main bundle (is coming from a download), you may try with the following constructor:

init(url: URL, options: [SCNSceneSource.LoadingOption : Any]? = nil)

so your code might be:

do {
let documents = "yourValidPath"
let scene = try SCNScene(url: URL(fileURLWithPath: documents), options: nil)
} catch {}

Why does my Perl script remove characters from the file?

You're using printf there and it thinks its first argument is a format string. See the printf documentation for details. When I run into this sort of problem, I always ensure that I'm using the functions correctly. :)

You probably want just print:

 print FILE $content;

In your example, you don't need to read in the entire file since your substitution does not cross lines. Instead of trying to read and write to the same filename all at once, use a temporary file:

open my($in),  "<", $file       or die "cannot open file $file\n";
open my($out), ">", "$file.bak" or die "cannot open file $file.bak\n";

while( <$in> )
s{status=["'][\w ]*["']\s*}{}gi;
print $out;

rename "$file.bak", $file or die "Could not rename file\n";

This also reduces to this command-line program:

% perl -pi.bak -e 's{status=["\']\\w ]*["\']\\s*}{}g' file

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