Swift App Crashes on Real Device But Works on Simulator

App crash on device but works on simulator iOS

The problem was in pods frameworks. Script generated by pods can't embed some frameworks correctly. I removed "[CP] Embed Pods Frameworks" script and add frameworks to "Embedded Binaries" by myself. And problem was solved.

Swift app crashes on real device but works on simulator

I recently had a similar error.

I suspect you're trying to run the code on a pre 8.0 device. If that's the case, dateByAddingUnit is not available on your device (see the header)

@availability(iOS, introduced=8.0)

You can achieve what you're trying to do by using `dateByAddingComponents' - it's a little more cumbersome but should give you the same result. Try the following playground

import UIKit
import Foundation

var tuple:( Int, NSCalendarUnit) = (1, NSCalendarUnit.CalendarUnitDay)

var date = NSDate()

/* 8.0+ */
var yesterday = NSCalendar.currentCalendar().dateByAddingUnit(tuple.1, value: (-tuple.0), toDate: date, options: NSCalendarOptions.SearchBackwards)

/* 7.1 + */

let component = NSDateComponents()

if tuple.1 == NSCalendarUnit.CalendarUnitDay {
component.day = -tuple.0

var alsoYesterday = NSCalendar.currentCalendar().dateByAddingComponents(component, toDate: date, options: NSCalendarOptions.SearchBackwards)

Hope this helps! :)

iOS App Crashes on Phone but works fine on simulator


println("display.text =\(display.text!)")
let formatter = NSNumberFormatter()
formatter.locale = NSLocale(localeIdentifier: "en_US_POSIX")
return formatter.numberFromString(display.text!)!.doubleValue

Because, NSNumberFormatter uses devices locale by default, it's possible that the decimal separator is not ".". For example:

let formatter = NSNumberFormatter()
formatter.locale = NSLocale(localeIdentifier: "ar-SA")
print(formatter.decimalSeparator!) // -> outputs "٫"
formatter.numberFromString("6.0") // -> nil

The formatter that uses such locales cannot parse strings like "6.0". So if you want consistent result from the formatter, you should explicitly specify the locale.

As for en_US_POSIX locale, see the document:

In most cases the best locale to choose is en_US_POSIX, a locale that's specifically designed to yield US English results regardless of both user and system preferences. en_US_POSIX is also invariant in time (if the US, at some point in the future, changes the way it formats dates, en_US will change to reflect the new behavior, but en_US_POSIX will not), and between platforms (en_US_POSIX works the same on iPhone OS as it does on OS X, and as it does on other platforms).

App crashes on iPhone but not on simulator

I think this is a memory problem with the iPhone 4S (200 mb for 4S is a lot). You should read the crash logs in Xcode.

In Xcode with the iPhone connected you can go to Window->Devices, select your phone and press 'View Device Logs'. You will see a list with all the last crashes of the apps and with the information of the crash.


Application crashes on device - works perfectly on Simulator

Even it's old question. I found my issue by deleting derived data from xcode.

Xcode -> window->Projects then select and delete your project derived data.

iOS App Crash On Launch With Only LLDB() (The App Works In Simulator)

The long and the short of it was when I embedded the framework into the main app, it caused some other obscure bug. When I removed a runscript from the build phases, it allowed the embedding to actually work and it fixed the issue.

So by deleting the run script phase seen below in the build phases:
Sample Image

I was able to embed the framework and the app began to compile on devices.

So if you have this type of error in the future the solution is still to embed it, but in my case, there was another problem preventing that embedding from working.

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