Pod Install -Bash: Pod: Command Not Found

Cocoa pod command gives error in Catalina os , xcode 11

This below command is going to help you.

sudo xcode-select --install

I can not do a pod install in CocoaPods

Execute this command in Terminal and try again:

xcode-select -s /Applications/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer

And be sure to update your Cocoapods spec repository by running pod repo update before pod install


The error is because the wrong path was set as the Xcode Command Line Tools. this can lead to many problems such as git error, C compiler error etc.
Always be sure your Xcode Command Line Tools path has been set to embedded Command Line Tools in Xcode app.

Pod install command with error

replace this character " ‘ " with this " ' " in your podfile and try to install again.

it's happen to me when I copy pod line from somewhere else (like Evernote), some text editors automatically change this character. Usually it's like this :

pod 'AFNetworking', '~> 2.0'

but when I take from other editor, it could be like this :

pod ‘AFNetworking‘, ‘~> 2.0‘

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