Linker Errors When Trying to Install New Google Analytics 3.0 Beta

Linker errors when trying to install new Google Analytics 3.0 Beta

I had to add both libz.dylib and AdSupport.framework to the build phases to make this go away. Google doesn't include these in their instructions so going to check with them to make sure this is OK then will update this post.

UPDATE: Now you also need to add libsqlite3.0.dylib to get it to work.

Adding Google Analytics Linker Error when compiling in Xcode5 SDK 3.03

Google Analytics uses the CoreData.framework, and the linker can't find it. (NSManagedEntity, NSManagedContext, etc are CoreData classes)

Did you add the framework to your project?

Google Analytics SDK 3.0 _sqlite3 linker errors in iOS

You can solve this issue importing "libsqlite3.0"

Linking errors when trying to install Google signin

You can fallow below steps

  1. Go to Build settings / Linking / Other Linker Flags and add the "-ObjC" without the quotes. This assume you are using some "header

    file" to map Google framework and for Swift approach.

  2. Go to Build Phases >Link Binary with Librairies > + > Add other, the go to de /usr/lib directory and select "libz.dylib"

  3. Compile

Google Analytics linker error without AdSupport.framework

Add the framework as optional. I submitted apps with Google Analytics without problems.

Adding Google Analytics to an iOS app causes error

You have to add these classes:

Sample Image

If you add these, it will work fine.

And I think the best is if you set:

[GAI sharedInstance].dispatchInterval = 0;

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