iPhone 6/6+ Screen Size Issue

Detecting iPhone 6/6+ screen sizes in point values

The first screen will be the device screen, Note that a launch images for the new phones have to be added before, otherwise the app is running in Zoomed Mode for older apps :
Here is the code I used to check this out. Note: This only works with version iOS 8 and higher:

UIScreen *mainScreen = [UIScreen mainScreen];
NSLog(@"Screen bounds: %@, Screen resolution: %@, scale: %f, nativeScale: %f",
NSStringFromCGRect(mainScreen.bounds), mainScreen.coordinateSpace, mainScreen.scale, mainScreen.nativeScale);

Code for detecting iPhone 6 Plus:

#define IS_PAD (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPad)
#define IS_PHONE (UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone)

if (!IS_PHONE) return NO;
if ([UIScreen mainScreen].scale > 2.9) return YES; // Scale is only 3 when not in scaled mode for iPhone 6 Plus
return NO;


-(BOOL) iPhone6PlusUnZoomed{
if ([self iPhone6PlusDevice]){
if ([UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.height > 720.0) return YES; // Height is 736, but 667 when zoomed.
return NO;

Note: If you are checking for iPhone 6 Plus, to adjust the user interface then don´t rely on .nativeScale, because the simulator and actual device give different results. Due to the comment below. Scale is a CGFloat and thus, code should not check equality, because some floats values may never be equal.

After adding Launch Screen you can utilise the new iPhone sizes, otherwise your app will still look scaled.

Updated for the new iPhones 11, 11 Pro and 11 Pro Max

Size for iPhone 11 Pro Max with @3x scaling, coordinate space: 414 x 896 points and 1242 x 2688 pixels, 458 ppi, device physical size is 3.06 x 6.22 in or 77.8 x 158.0 mm. 6.5" Super Retina XDR display.

Size for iPhone 11 Pro with @3x scaling, coordinate space: 375 x 812 points and 1125 x 2436 pixels, 458 ppi, device physical size is 2.81 x 5.67 in or 71.4 x 144.0 mm. 5.8" Super Retina XDR display.

Size for iPhone 11 with @2x scaling, coordinate space: 414 x 896 points and 828 x 1792 pixels, 326 ppi, device physical size is 2.98 x 5.94 in or 75.7 x 150.9 mm. 6.1" Liquid Retina HD display.

Size for iPhone X Max with @3x scaling (Apple name: Super Retina HD 6.5 display"), coordinate space: 414 x 896 points and 1242 x 2688 pixels, 458 ppi, device physical size is 3.05 x 6.20 in or 77.4 x 157.5 mm.

let screen = UIScreen.main
print("Screen bounds: \(screen.bounds), Screen resolution: \(screen.nativeBounds), scale: \(screen.scale)")
//iPhone X Max Screen bounds: (0.0, 0.0, 414.0, 896.0), Screen resolution: (0.0, 0.0, 1242.0, 2688.0), scale: 3.0

Size for iPhone X/strong> with @2x scaling (Apple name: Super Retina HD 6.1" display), coordinate space: 414 x 896 points and 828 x 1792 pixels, 326 ppi, device physical size is 2.98 x 5.94 in or 75.7 x 150.9 mm.

let screen = UIScreen.main
print("Screen bounds: \(screen.bounds), Screen resolution: \(screen.nativeBounds), scale: \(screen.scale)")
//iPhone X Screen bounds: (0.0, 0.0, 414.0, 896.0), Screen resolution: (0.0, 0.0, 828.0, 1792.0), scale: 2.0

Size for iPhone X/strong> and iPhone X with @3x scaling (Apple name: Super Retina HD 5.8" display), coordinate space: 375 x 812 points and 1125 x 2436 pixels, 458 ppi, device physical size is 2.79 x 5.65 in or 70.9 x 143.6 mm.

let screen = UIScreen.main
print("Screen bounds: \(screen.bounds), Screen resolution: \(screen.nativeBounds), scale: \(screen.scale)")
//iPhone X and X Screen bounds: (0.0, 0.0, 375.0, 812.0), Screen resolution: (0.0, 0.0, 1125.0, 2436.0), scale: 3.0

Size for iPhone 8, 7, 6 Plus and iPhone 8, 7, 6S Plus with @3x scaling (Apple name: Retina HD 5.5), Coordinate space: 414 x 736 points and 1242 x 2208 pixels, 401 ppi, screen physical size is 2.7 x 4.8 in or 68 x 122 mm:

Screen bounds: {{0, 0}, {414, 736}}, Screen resolution: <UIScreen: 0x7f97fad330b0; bounds = {{0, 0}, {414, 736}}; 
mode = <UIScreenMode: 0x7f97fae1ce00; size = 1242.000000 x 2208.000000>>, scale: 3.000000, nativeScale: 3.000000

Size for iPhone 6 and iPhone 6S with @2x scaling (Apple name: Retina HD 4.7), Coordinate space: 375 x 667 points and 750 x 1334 pixels, 326 ppi, screen physical size is 2.3 x 4.1 in or 58 x 104 mm:

Screen bounds: {{0, 0}, {375, 667}}, Screen resolution: <UIScreen: 0x7fa01b5182d0; bounds = {{0, 0}, {375, 667}}; 
mode = <UIScreenMode: 0x7fa01b711760; size = 750.000000 x 1334.000000>>, scale: 2.000000, nativeScale: 2.000000

And iPhone 5 for comparison is 640 x 1136, iPhone 4 640 x 960.

Note: Upload LaunchImages otherwise the app will run scaled and not show correct scaling, or screen sizes.

Comparing iPhone 6 and 6 Plus

iPhone 6 and 6 plus screen sizes in pixels?

If you are upgrading your application to support iPhone6 and iPhone6+ and you do not wish for your application to scale on these devices you need to update your launch images to include:

iPhone Portrait:

  • Retina HD 5.5 - 1242x2208px
  • Retina HD 4.7 - 750x1334px

and or:

iPhone Landscape

  • Retina HD 5.5 - 2208x1242px

Please note that although the screen size for the iPhone6+ is 1080x1920, it is using downscaled renders: https://twitter.com/stroughtonsmith/status/509438167280549888

Sample Image

Screen size in pixels (iPhone 6)

It is is ok. What you see is logical points. These get translated into physical pixels. In case of iPhone 6 it is 2x.

Supporting iPhone 6 and iPhone 6+ with different launch/splash screen image for iPad Portrait and Landscape orientations

You don´t have to use the launch screen file to make your App iPhone 6 / 6+ resolution compatible. Instead, you can select the LaunchImage asset as your Launch Images Source.

It can be found at "App Icons and Launch Images" under your Targets:

Sample Image

If there is no LaunchImage asset just go to your Images.xcassets, make a secondary click (right click) and select "New Launch Image":

Sample Image

The result is something like that:

Sample Image

Now just drag and drop your images for the specific resolutions you want to support and set the created LaunchImage asset as your source.

Hope it helps


Screen size is wrong on iPhone 6/iOS 8.3?]

I'm guessing that your iPhone 6 is in zoomed mode, as described here:


In that mode, the iPhone 6 effectively thinks it is an iPhone 5 for display purposes (and communicates an iPhone 5-sized screen environment to all apps).

iPhone 6 addressable screen size

The iPhone 6 has a scale of 2 so the point size is 375 x 667 (not 375 x 567).

The iPhone 6+ actually has a virtual pixel size of 1242 x 2208 with a scale of 3. So the point size is actually 414 x 736.

How to specify size for iPhone 6/7 customised edge-to-edge image?

It seems to me that a lot of these answers want to address how to constrain the imageView, where I think you are concerned with loading the correct media file? I would come up with my own future extensible solution, something like this:

"UIImage+DeviceSpecificMedia.h" - (a category on UIImage)


#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>

typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, thisDeviceClass) {


// we can add new devices when we become aware of them



thisDeviceClass currentDeviceClass();

@interface UIImage (DeviceSpecificMedia)

+ (instancetype )imageForDeviceWithName:(NSString *)fileName;



#import "UIImage+DeviceSpecificMedia.h"

thisDeviceClass currentDeviceClass() {

CGFloat greaterPixelDimension = (CGFloat) fmaxf(((float)[[UIScreen mainScreen]bounds].size.height),
((float)[[UIScreen mainScreen]bounds].size.width));

switch ((NSInteger)greaterPixelDimension) {
case 480:
return (( [[UIScreen mainScreen]scale] > 1.0) ? thisDeviceClass_iPhoneRetina : thisDeviceClass_iPhone );
case 568:
return thisDeviceClass_iPhone5;
case 667:
return thisDeviceClass_iPhone6;
case 736:
return thisDeviceClass_iPhone6plus;
case 1024:
return (( [[UIScreen mainScreen]scale] > 1.0) ? thisDeviceClass_iPadRetina : thisDeviceClass_iPad );
return thisDeviceClass_unknown;

@implementation UIImage (deviceSpecificMedia)

+ (NSString *)magicSuffixForDevice
switch (currentDeviceClass()) {
case thisDeviceClass_iPhone:
return @"";
case thisDeviceClass_iPhoneRetina:
return @"@2x";
case thisDeviceClass_iPhone5:
return @"-568h@2x";
case thisDeviceClass_iPhone6:
return @"-667h@2x"; //or some other arbitrary string..
case thisDeviceClass_iPhone6plus:
return @"-736h@3x";

case thisDeviceClass_iPad:
return @"~ipad";
case thisDeviceClass_iPadRetina:
return @"~ipad@2x";

case thisDeviceClass_unknown:
return @"";

+ (instancetype )imageForDeviceWithName:(NSString *)fileName
UIImage *result = nil;
NSString *nameWithSuffix = [fileName stringByAppendingString:[UIImage magicSuffixForDevice]];

result = [UIImage imageNamed:nameWithSuffix];
if (!result) {
result = [UIImage imageNamed:fileName];
return result;


Phonegap + iphone 6 screen size issue

Have a look at this:

Black bars showing when running app on iOS 7 (4 inch retina display)

This helped when I had this issue on iPhone 5, seems to solve iPhone 6 as well.

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