Ios13 Share Sheet: How to Set Preview Thumbnail When Sharing Uiimage

iOS13 share sheet: how to set preview thumbnail when sharing UIImage

Just pass the image urls to UIActivityViewController not the UIImage objects.
For example:

let imageURLs: [URL] = self.prepareImageURLs()
let activityViewController = UIActivityViewController(activityItems: imageURLs, applicationActivities: nil)
self.present(activityViewController, animated: true, completion: nil)

You can see that the image name and the image properties are shown in the top of the UIActivityViewController. Hope it helps!

How to attach an image icon to the `UIActivityViewController`?

You need to define the LinkMetadata using activityViewControllerLinkMetadata method:

    @available(iOS 13.0, *)
func activityViewControllerLinkMetadata(_ activityViewController: UIActivityViewController) -> LPLinkMetadata? {
let metadata = LPLinkMetadata()
// define your metadata here
return metadata

More info here:

iOS 13 Share Sheet: Changing subtitle/item description

This is really silly, but this is how to do it.

metadata.originalURL = URL(fileURLWithPath: "whatever description you want to put")

And as a note, you don't have to create the file/folder itself.

How to show URL icon with text in UIActivityViewController?

There is a difference between sharing data and showing data - I think in your case, showing the data that's about to be shared.

I could be wrong, but if not, you are actually able to share the data - in this case a UIImage and text - but wish to display what is about to be shared. I had this issue a while back. Here's my code. See if it can help you - basically you need to add metadata to UIActivityViewController delegate.

func activityViewControllerLinkMetadata(_ activityViewController: UIActivityViewController) -> LPLinkMetadata? {
let shareImage = preview.uiImage.adjustedForShareSheetPreviewIconProvider()
let imageProvider = NSItemProvider(object: shareImage)
let metadata = LPLinkMetadata()
metadata.imageProvider = imageProvider
metadata.title = "Title"
return metadata

Adjust shareImage and title as needed.


I was using my code and was incomplete. adjustedForShareSheetPreviewIconProvider() is part of UIImage, and as such, it assumes this. In my code, I'm actually calling a GLKView to return this UIImage and then use it this way in the metadata.

So if your image is something returned from the URL as an icon and is (or can be converted to) a UIImage, just add it to the metadata like my code above.

iOS 13, Custom Image, title and subtitle in the presented UIActivityViewController

I have found a solution using UIActivityItemSource

UIActivityItemSource have this protocol activityViewControllerLinkMetadata(_ activityViewController: UIActivityViewController) -> LPLinkMetadata?which we can use to set image title and subtitle for our UIActivityViewController

This is an example:

 public func activityViewControllerLinkMetadata(_ activityViewController: UIActivityViewController) -> LPLinkMetadata? {
let metadata = LPLinkMetadata()

metadata.title = "My title" // Preview Title

// Set image

metadata.imageProvider = NSItemProvider(object: image)
metadata.iconProvider = NSItemProvider(object: image)
metadata.url = urlImage

// Set URL for sharing
metadata.originalURL = myUrl // Add this if you want to have a url in your share message.

return metadata

And this is the result: I have my custom image and title.

enter image description here

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