Accessing Core Data Stack in Mvvm Application

Accessing Core Data Stack in MVVM application

You can use Core Data Singleton class

import CoreData

class CoreDataStack {
static let shared = CoreDataStack()

private init() {}

var managedObjectContext: NSManagedObjectContext {
return self.persistentContainer.viewContext

var workingContext: NSManagedObjectContext {
let context = NSManagedObjectContext(concurrencyType: .privateQueueConcurrencyType)
context.parent = self.managedObjectContext
return context

// MARK: - Core Data stack

lazy var persistentContainer: NSPersistentContainer = {
let container = NSPersistentContainer(name: "MyStuff")
container.loadPersistentStores(completionHandler: { storeDescription, error in
if let error = error as NSError? {
return container

// MARK: - Core Data Saving support

func saveContext() {
self.managedObjectContext.performAndWait {
if self.managedObjectContext.hasChanges {
do {
appPrint("Main context saved")
} catch {

func saveWorkingContext(context: NSManagedObjectContext) {
do {
appPrint("Working context saved")
} catch (let error) {

Core Data is not thread safe. If you write something on manageObject and don't want to save that, but some other thread save the context, then the changes that you don't want to persist will also persist.

So to avoid this situation always create working context - which is private.

When you press save, then first private context get saved and after that you save main context.

In MVVM you should have DataLayer through which your ViewModel interact with Core Data singleton class.

How to pass/get Core Data context in SwiftUI MVVM ViewModel?

Here is your scenario

let contentView = MainView(context: context)          // << inject
.environment(\.managedObjectContext, context)

struct MainView: View {
@Environment(\.managedObjectContext) var context

@ObservedObject private var viewModel: ViewModel // << declare

init(context: NSManagedObjectContext) {
self.viewModel = ViewModel(context: context) // initialize

Core Data with SwiftUI MVVM Feedback

For a cutting edge way to wrap the NSFetchedResultsController in SwiftUI compatible code you might want to take a look at AsyncStream.

However, @FetchRequest currently is implemented as a DynamicProperty so if you did that too it would allow access the managed object context from the @Environment in the update func which is called on the DynamicProperty before body is called on the View. You can use an @StateObject internally as the FRC delegate.

Be careful with MVVM because it uses objects where as SwiftUI is designed to work with value types to eliminate the kinds of consistency bugs you can get with objects. See the doc Choosing Between Structures and Classes. If you build an MVVM object layer on top of SwiftUI you risk reintroducing those bugs. You're better off using the View data struct as it's designed and leave MVVM for when coding legacy view controllers. But to be perfectly honest, if you learn the child view controller pattern and understand the responder chain then there is really no need for MVVM view model objects at all.

And FYI, when using Combine's ObservableObject we don't sink the pipeline or use cancellables. Instead, assign the output of the pipeline to an @Published. However, if you aren't using CombineLatest, then perhaps reconsider if you should really be using Combine at all.

How (or should?) I replace MVVM in this CoreData SwiftUI app with a Nested managedObjectContext?

I have opted to avoid a viewModel in this case after discovering:

moc.refresh(contact, mergeChanges: false)

Apple docs:

So you can toss aside the ContactViewModel, keep the ContentView as is and use the following:

Contact Profile

The enum havae been made an extension to the ContactProfile view.

import SwiftUI
import CoreData

struct ContactProfile: View {

@Environment(\.managedObjectContext) private var moc

@ObservedObject var contact: Contact

@State private var isEditing = false

@State private var errorAlertIsPresented = false
@State private var errorAlertTitle = ""

var body: some View {
VStack {
if !isEditing {
Text("\(contact.firstName ?? "") \(contact.lastName ?? "")")
} else {
TextField("First Name", text: $contact.firstName ?? "")
TextField("First Name", text: $contact.lastName ?? "")
.navigationBarTitle("", displayMode: .inline)
.navigationBarBackButtonHidden(isEditing ? true : false)
Button (action: {

/// This is the key change:

moc.refresh(contact, mergeChanges: false)
withAnimation {
self.isEditing = false
}, label: {
Text(isEditing ? "Cancel" : "")
Button (action: {
if isEditing { saveContact() }
withAnimation {
if !errorAlertIsPresented {
}, label: {
Text(!isEditing ? "Edit" : "Done")
isPresented: $errorAlertIsPresented,
content: { Alert(title: Text(errorAlertTitle)) }) }

private func saveContact() {
do {
if contact.firstName!.isEmpty {
throw ValidationError.missingFirstName
if contact.lastName!.isEmpty {
throw ValidationError.missingLastName
} catch {
errorAlertTitle = (error as? LocalizedError)?.errorDescription ?? "An error occurred"
errorAlertIsPresented = true

extension ContactProfile {
enum ValidationError: LocalizedError {
case missingFirstName
case missingLastName
var errorDescription: String? {
switch self {
case .missingFirstName:
return "Please enter a first name for this contact."
case .missingLastName:
return "Please enter a last name for this contact."

This also requires the code below that can be found at this link:

SwiftUI Optional TextField

import SwiftUI

func ??<T>(lhs: Binding<Optional<T>>, rhs: T) -> Binding<T> {
get: { lhs.wrappedValue ?? rhs },
set: { lhs.wrappedValue = $0 }

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