iOS Ssl Connection in Swift

iOS SSL Connection in Swift

Ok I spent 8 weeks on this issue :( but i finally managed to put together a working solution. I must say that SSL/TLS on iOS is a joke. Java on Android leaves it for dead. It is completely ridiculous that in order to evaluate trust for a self signed certificate, you must disable certificate chain verification completely and do it yourself. Completely ridiculous. Anyway this is the fully working solution that connects to a remote socket server (no HTTP) using a self signed server certificate. Feel free to edit this answer to provide a better answer since I haven't had the change to add code for sending and receiving data yet :)

//  SecureSocket
// Created by snapper26 on 2/9/16.
// Copyright © 2016 snapper26. All rights reserved.
import Foundation

class ProXimityAPIClient: NSObject, StreamDelegate {

// Input and output streams for socket
var inputStream: InputStream?
var outputStream: OutputStream?

// Secondary delegate reference to prevent ARC deallocating the NSStreamDelegate
var inputDelegate: StreamDelegate?
var outputDelegate: StreamDelegate?

// Add a trusted root CA to out SecTrust object
func addAnchorToTrust(trust: SecTrust, certificate: SecCertificate) -> SecTrust {
let array: NSMutableArray = NSMutableArray()


SecTrustSetAnchorCertificates(trust, array)

return trust

// Create a SecCertificate object from a DER formatted certificate file
func createCertificateFromFile(filename: String, ext: String) -> SecCertificate {
let rootCertPath = Bundle.main.path(forResource:filename, ofType: ext)

let rootCertData = NSData(contentsOfFile: rootCertPath!)

return SecCertificateCreateWithData(kCFAllocatorDefault, rootCertData!)!

// Connect to remote host/server
func connect(host: String, port: Int) {
// Specify host and port number. Get reference to newly created socket streams both in and out
Stream.getStreamsToHost(withName:host, port: port, inputStream: &inputStream, outputStream: &outputStream)

// Create strong delegate reference to stop ARC deallocating the object
inputDelegate = self
outputDelegate = self

// Now that we have a strong reference, assign the object to the stream delegates
inputStream!.delegate = inputDelegate
outputStream!.delegate = outputDelegate

// This doesn't work because of arc memory management. Thats why another strong reference above is needed.
//inputStream!.delegate = self
//outputStream!.delegate = self

// Schedule our run loops. This is needed so that we can receive StreamEvents
inputStream!.schedule(in:RunLoop.main, forMode: RunLoopMode.defaultRunLoopMode)
outputStream!.schedule(in:RunLoop.main, forMode: RunLoopMode.defaultRunLoopMode)

// Enable SSL/TLS on the streams
inputStream!.setProperty(kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelNegotiatedSSL, forKey: Stream.PropertyKey.socketSecurityLevelKey)
outputStream!.setProperty(kCFStreamSocketSecurityLevelNegotiatedSSL, forKey: Stream.PropertyKey.socketSecurityLevelKey)

// Defin custom SSL/TLS settings
let sslSettings : [NSString: Any] = [
// NSStream automatically sets up the socket, the streams and creates a trust object and evaulates it before you even get a chance to check the trust yourself. Only proper SSL certificates will work with this method. If you have a self signed certificate like I do, you need to disable the trust check here and evaulate the trust against your custom root CA yourself.
NSString(format: kCFStreamSSLValidatesCertificateChain): kCFBooleanFalse,
NSString(format: kCFStreamSSLPeerName): kCFNull,
// We are an SSL/TLS client, not a server
NSString(format: kCFStreamSSLIsServer): kCFBooleanFalse

// Set the SSL/TLS settingson the streams
inputStream!.setProperty(sslSettings, forKey: kCFStreamPropertySSLSettings as Stream.PropertyKey)
outputStream!.setProperty(sslSettings, forKey: kCFStreamPropertySSLSettings as Stream.PropertyKey)

// Open the streams

// This is where we get all our events (haven't finished writing this class)
func stream(_ aStream: Stream, handle eventCode: Stream.Event) {
switch eventCode {
case Stream.Event.endEncountered:
print("End Encountered")
case Stream.Event.openCompleted:
print("Open Completed")
case Stream.Event.hasSpaceAvailable:
print("Has Space Available")

// If you try and obtain the trust object (aka kCFStreamPropertySSLPeerTrust) before the stream is available for writing I found that the oject is always nil!
var sslTrustInput: SecTrust? = inputStream! .property(forKey:kCFStreamPropertySSLPeerTrust as Stream.PropertyKey) as! SecTrust?
var sslTrustOutput: SecTrust? = outputStream!.property(forKey:kCFStreamPropertySSLPeerTrust as Stream.PropertyKey) as! SecTrust?

if (sslTrustInput == nil) {
else {

if (sslTrustOutput == nil) {
else {

// Get our certificate reference. Make sure to add your root certificate file into your project.
let rootCert: SecCertificate? = createCertificateFromFile(filename: "ca", ext: "der")

// TODO: Don't want to keep adding the certificate every time???
// Make sure to add your trusted root CA to the list of trusted anchors otherwise trust evaulation will fail
sslTrustInput = addAnchorToTrust(trust: sslTrustInput!, certificate: rootCert!)
sslTrustOutput = addAnchorToTrust(trust: sslTrustOutput!, certificate: rootCert!)

// convert kSecTrustResultUnspecified type to SecTrustResultType for comparison
var result: SecTrustResultType = SecTrustResultType.unspecified

// This is it! Evaulate the trust.
let error: OSStatus = SecTrustEvaluate(sslTrustInput!, &result)

// An error occured evaluating the trust check the OSStatus codes for Apple at
if (error != noErr) {
print("Evaluation Failed")

if (result != SecTrustResultType.proceed && result != SecTrustResultType.unspecified) {
// Trust failed. This will happen if you faile to add the trusted anchor as mentioned above
print("Peer is not trusted :(")
else {
// Peer certificate is trusted. Now we can send data. Woohoo!
print("Peer is trusted :)")

case Stream.Event.hasBytesAvailable:
print("Has Bytes Available")
case Stream.Event.errorOccurred:
print("Error Occured")

SSL error when trying to use API connection in Swift

The trace shows that the connection to is passed through the ZScaler security proxy which replaces the root CA in order to intercept and analyze the traffic. Since this root CA is not trusted by your app for this site the connection fails. For more information see Public Key Pinning (PKP) and Zscaler.

connect with Windows SSL server through iOS app using alamofire

iOS 9.0 or later have built in support for ATS which is enabled by default. Alamofire works with https// but for that NSAllowsArbitraryLoads need to be defined in info.plist by adding NSAllowsArbitraryLoads=YES

However disabling ATS is not recommended.

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