iOS How to Detect When App Was Removed from Process

iOS how to detect when app was removed from process

You can't detect this. From the iOS App Programming Guide ("App Termination" heading):

Important: The applicationWillTerminate: method is not called if your app is currently suspended.

Even if you develop your app using iOS SDK 4 and later, you must still
be prepared for your app to be killed without any notification. The
user can kill apps explicitly using the multitasking UI. In addition,
if memory becomes constrained, the system might remove apps from
memory to make more room. Suspended apps are not notified of
termination but if your app is currently running in the background
state (and not suspended), the system calls the
applicationWillTerminate: method of your app delegate. Your app cannot
request additional background execution time from this method.

Detect if (current) app is deleted in iOS?

There is no defined notification when an application is deleted. If you must talk to a server, suspend inactive accounts after a predefined time limit.

iOS detect when app is closed from the background?

This method lets your app know that it is about to be terminated and purged from memory entirely

- (void)applicationWillTerminate:(UIApplication *)application
// Saves changes in the application's before the application terminates.


But yes its won't call in background when you close from home button.

For more info please go through doc

When App deletes (uninstall) getting a mail iOS

Basically, As you know there is no event is fired when App is deleted from the iPhone.

But you can do your tasks when the app installs so basically you can check application by sending the silent push notification.

Apple server will inform you when you try to push to an uninstalled instance the notification response at the sender side will come 410 means, user, no longer activate.


If you do not get the proper response from application side that means your application is uninstalled and you can send the mail.

Helpful links:

Call status change web-service when my App is deleted

Detect when app is closed, terminated but ignore when the phone is turned off

So after some research the only possible way I found was:

func DidUserPressLockButton() -> Bool 
let oldBrightness = UIScreen.main.brightness
UIScreen.main.brightness = oldBrightness + (oldBrightness <= 0.01 ? (0.01) : (-0.01))
return oldBrightness != UIScreen.main.brightness

func applicationDidEnterBackground(_ application: UIApplication)
if (DidUserPressLockButton())
//User pressed lock button
//user pressed home button

This method works by seeing if the app can change the brightness however some say this will get rejected by apple because they don't want you to do which makes sense why there isn't a built in function for it however there are apps on the App Store that know how you left the app so there you go

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