iOS Facebook Sdk - Post Open Graph and Show on Timeline Without Clicking Activity Log

OpenGraph story appears in Activity Log but not on Timeline

In addition to enabling "Explicit Share" in the app settings I had to add

.putBoolean("fb:explicitly_shared", true)

when building my Action.

Facebook iOS SDK errors – Posting Open Graph Actions

I was using the wrong type for the open graph object; I was using just the namespace for the "type" value, it should be "rs-coupcash:coupon" in this case.

Is there a way of automatically showing OpenGraph actions on a users timeline without them having to enable it from the activity log?

I don't believe there is another method that involves what you wish to do as Facebook would restrict the potential spam this could create.

Instead, Facebook has included the publish_stream extended permission for developers interested in posting to user's timelines immediately. This may be something you're interested in.

Assuming you're using PHP, this may be a great starting point for you to look at (with the PHP SDK):


Enjoy and good luck!

Facebook iOS SDK errors – Posting Open Graph Actions

I was using the wrong type for the open graph object; I was using just the namespace for the "type" value, it should be "rs-coupcash:coupon" in this case.

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