iOS 13.1 Crash in Avaudio Player

iOS 13.1 Crash in AVAudio Player

I found a crash issue in AVAudioPlayer with iOS 13.1.

Here Is Solution

Why My AVAudioPlayer crash? because

I initialise AVAudioPlayer like

var wrongMusicPlayer: AVAudioPlayer = AVAudioPlayer()

and then i try to reassign wrongMusicPlayer as below

wrongMusicPlayer = try AVAudioPlayer(contentsOf: wrongURL)

And my app get crash.


If you initialise your AVAudioPlayer like var wrongMusicPlayer: AVAudioPlayer = AVAudioPlayer() OR wrongMusicPlayer = AVAudioPlayer() in any method then please remove it and just Declare like var wrongMusicPlayer: AVAudioPlayer!.

App crashes when playing audio on iOS13.1

Change this:

var backgroundMusicPlayer = AVAudioPlayer()

To this:

var backgroundMusicPlayer : AVAudioPlayer!

Re-Assigning instance of AVAudioPlayer in iOS13 leads to BAD_ACCESS runtime error

Just remove the initialisation and it will work

private var mySoundPlayer: AVAudioPlayer!


AVAudioPlayer throws breakpoint in debug mode

Add your exception breakpoint and edit the exception type from "All" to "Objective-C exceptions"

Some classes in AudioToolbox throw regular C++ exceptions. You can filter them off this way.

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