How to Get System Device Language, Swift iOS

How to get system device language, swift iOS

Try this

UserDefaults.standard.stringArray(forKey: "AppleLanguages")

The output will be like - ["en-US"].

It'll return an array with language codes, first index is the current language set in iPhone's setting (it'll be a single item array if the preferred language order in settings is empty.)

How to get detailed language of device in swift

Start with the currentLocale() and ask questions about it. For example:

let lang = NSLocale.currentLocale().localeIdentifier

Or, at a finer level of granularity:

let langId = NSLocale.currentLocale().objectForKey(NSLocaleLanguageCode) as! String
let countryId = NSLocale.currentLocale().objectForKey(NSLocaleCountryCode) as! String
let language = "\(langId)-\(countryId)" // en-US on my machine

Getting current device language in iOS?

The solutions provided will actually return the current region of the device - not the currently selected language. These are often one and the same. However, if I am in North America and I set my language to Japanese, my region will still be English (United States). In order to retrieve the currently selected language, you can do:

NSString * language = [[NSLocale preferredLanguages] firstObject];

This will return a two letter code for the currently selected language. "en" for English, "es" for Spanish, "de" for German, etc. For more examples, please see this Wikipedia entry (in particular, the 639-1 column):

List of ISO 639-1 codes

Then it's a simple matter of converting the two letter codes to the string you would like to display. So if it's "en", display "English".


Worth to quote the header information from NSLocale.h:

+ (NSArray *)preferredLanguages NS_AVAILABLE(10_5, 2_0); // note that this list does not indicate what language the app is actually running in; the [NSBundle mainBundle] object determines that at launch and knows that information

People interested in app language take a look at @mindvision's answer

iOS:How to get current application language

What i always do:

Add a string entry into the Localizable.strings files.
I always use the key "lang"="de"; (or "lang"="en", etc.).

Then you can use it in your NSURLRequest by adding the language over NSLocalizedString(@"lang", @"")

With that method you have absolute control what is going to be sent to you backend.

Getting current device language in iOS?

The solutions provided will actually return the current region of the device - not the currently selected language. These are often one and the same. However, if I am in North America and I set my language to Japanese, my region will still be English (United States). In order to retrieve the currently selected language, you can do:

NSString * language = [[NSLocale preferredLanguages] firstObject];

This will return a two letter code for the currently selected language. "en" for English, "es" for Spanish, "de" for German, etc. For more examples, please see this Wikipedia entry (in particular, the 639-1 column):

List of ISO 639-1 codes

Then it's a simple matter of converting the two letter codes to the string you would like to display. So if it's "en", display "English".


Worth to quote the header information from NSLocale.h:

+ (NSArray *)preferredLanguages NS_AVAILABLE(10_5, 2_0); // note that this list does not indicate what language the app is actually running in; the [NSBundle mainBundle] object determines that at launch and knows that information

People interested in app language take a look at @mindvision's answer

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