How to Create IPA in Xcode 6 Without Apple Developer Account

How to create ipa in xcode 6 without Apple Developer account?

Finally found a way for creating .ipa build with xcodebuild command.

  1. Right click on Archive on Organizer.
  2. Click Show in Finder.
  3. You can see .xcarchive file in Finder.
    Sample Image

  4. Open Terminal and cd to .xcarchive path.

  5. Using following command to generate .ipa file.

This will save .ipa on Desktop.

xcodebuild -exportArchive -exportFormat ipa -archivePath .xcarchive -exportPath ~/Desktop/.ipa

Still looking for better solution, don't know why Apple removed this feature from Xcode 6 :(

How to create an IPA without having Developer Account in IOS in react-native in Updated OS and Xcode?

If you have a Provisioning Profile in Xcode then below method will 100% work as it works for me :

Step:1 Create Archive

Step:2 Right-Click on the Archive and Click Show in Finder.

Step:3 You can see .xcarchive file in Finder.

Step:4 Right CLick on the .xcarchive file and click Show package content and go to the Products -> Applications folder. Create a new folder named Payload and drag the .app file into that folder.

Step:5 Compress [Create Zip File] the Payload folder and rename it to whatever you want and change the extention to .ipa.

Step:6 Upload that .ipa file in Diawi website and share it with Client.

How to create ipa without Apple Developer Program in Xcode7

You can do it by this way:

1)Clean your project.

2)Build your project.

3)Go to products menu -> select build for -> select Profiling.

4)In project navigator, find you .app product.

5)Right click on it and click show in finder.

6)There you will find folder naming "Release-iphoneos", in this folder you will find your .app extension file.

7)Create a folder named "Payload", copy that .app file in this folder.

8)Archive your folder.

9)After archive, rename your folder to name of your app and change its extension from ".zip" to ".ipa"

10)Your IPA is ready for sharing.

You can install This IPA directly from iTunes below 12.7.

If you are using iTunes 12.7 and above you can use Diawi to share your IPA for installation. Here is a good step by step process available.

How to generate IPA file without apple developer program and without a connected device in Xcode 7.2?

You will certainly need a developer account if you want to run your app on a physical device (unless that device is jailbroken, which I wouldn't recommend). If your employer hired you as an iOS developer, you need to inform them that a requirement to doing iOS development is a developer account.

If you are going to be writing iOS apps to deploy on client device (which you won't have physical access to), you have a couple of options.

  1. You could have your employer pay for the enterprise developer account ($299/year). This allows you to have an In House Distribution profile, which lets you build an IPA that can run on any iOS device without the need to register the UDID for each device in the provisioning profile.
  2. You could use Apple's TestFlight to deploy the app to your clients' devices. This still requires a paid developer account as you are basically creating an app store build and distributing to others as "beta testers". The app goes through a more lax review process, but it still must have been signed with a distribution certificate, which you only can get with a paid account.

Bottom line, if your company is asking you to develop apps professionally, you need to get them to understand that the $99/year fee is part of the process. IF they can't justify that, they shouldn't be hiring out iOS development jobs.

How to create IPA without Developer Account credentials in Xcode6

@frozen_lion you can still use xcodebuild to export ipa without Developer Account access:

xcodebuild -exportArchive -archivePath $projectname.xcarchive -exportPath $projectname -exportFormat ipa -exportProvisioningProfile “Provisioning Profile Name”

More details you can find in this article Using xcodebuild To Export a .ipa From an Archive

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