Detect Array with Issue (Debug Mode)

Detect array with issue (Debug mode)

To handle All exceptions, From Xcode click on Show the Breakpoint Navigator

Click + button at bottom side and from pop up click on Add Exception Breakpoint.

Sample Image

This will add exception break points for application, try to run again and execution will stop if any runtime exception raised.

Sample Image

If this will not help, enable zombie environment for project, check out from this thread -

How to set exception breakpoint from Xcode

How to debug an array issue in my program?

range(a, b) generated the number sin range [a, b[ respectively all numbers >= a but < b. Therefore you have to generate the ranges range(y-1,y+2) and range(x-1,x+2) instead of range(y-1,y+1) and range(x-1,x+1):

for sy in range(y-1,y+2):
for sx in range(x-1,x+2):
# [...]

How to view contents of an array while debugging in Code Blocks?

i am using 12.11. I select the array variable suppose a, choose "watch a" in the right button down menu, and I can see the values in the array a.

Array populated in debug more but not in in normal mode in Node.js

The line:

is being executed before the line:


the function you are passing as a 2nd argument to s3.listObjects will be executed asynchronously. If you want to log out content you need to do it within the callback function meaning:

s3.listObjects(params, function (err, data) {        
if (err) throw err;
else {
// ...

A better approach would be to implement getS3Data with Promise so you can run code after the object listing is done for sure.

function getS3Data() {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
if (err) {
} else {
const promises = []
for (const i = 0; i < data.Contents.length; i++) {
const currentValue = data.Contents[i];
if (currentValue.Key.endsWith(params.Prefix) == false) {
const goParams = { Bucket: params.Bucket, Key: currentValue.Key };
promises.push(new Promise((res, rej) => {
s3.getObject(goParams, function (err, data) {
if (err) {
rej(err); //error
} else {

.then(result => { // this will actually be `content` from your code example
}).catch(error => {

In debug mode Arraylist's logical structure is Array

Well, I have the same issue on several machines with a lot of different Oracle and OpenJDK JVMs.

  • On the left, failure to display list elements in STS 4.2.2
  • On the right, proper display in STS 3.9.5
  • Both running on the same Windows machine and Oracle JDK 9.0.1

Screen grab of STS 4.2.2 issue and STS 3.9.5 success with JDK 9.0.1


I just updated one of the failing STS4 installations to the latest version, and the problem seems to be gone. The version I received was:

  • STS 4.3.0.RELEASE - Build Id 201906200901
  • That release includes Eclipse JDT 3.18.0.v20190605-1800

how to see contents of array in android studio

you do it like this using android studio debugging mode: Sample Image

View array in Visual Studio debugger?

You can try this nice little trick for C++. Take the expression which gives you the array and then append a comma and the number of elements you want to see. Expanding that value will show you elements 0-(N-1) where N is the number you add after the comma.

For example if pArray is the array, type pArray,10 in the watch window.

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