Checking Location Service Permission on iOS

Checking location service permission on iOS

This is the correct.

if ([CLLocationManager locationServicesEnabled]){

NSLog(@"Location Services Enabled");

if ([CLLocationManager authorizationStatus]==kCLAuthorizationStatusDenied){
alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:@"App Permission Denied"
message:@"To re-enable, please go to Settings and turn on Location Service for this app."
[alert show];

Checking user location permission status on iOS 14

In iOS 14 'authorizationStatus()' is deprecated :

You should use locationManagerDidChangeAuthorization instead:

func locationManagerDidChangeAuthorization(_ manager: CLLocationManager) {

switch manager.authorizationStatus {
case .authorizedAlways , .authorizedWhenInUse:
case .notDetermined , .denied , .restricted:

switch manager.accuracyAuthorization {
case .fullAccuracy:
case .reducedAccuracy:

iOS 13 How to check user is given only Always allow location permission

Actually, I removed CLLocationManager.requestAlwaysAuthorization() from the code.

If you request for Always Authorization, CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus becomes authorizedAlways.

I made it like if app wants always access, user has to go to settings and give the always permission manually

Check if location services are enabled

Add the CLLocationManagerDelegate to your class inheritance and then you can make this check:

Import CoreLocation Framework

import CoreLocation

Swift 1.x - 2.x version:

if CLLocationManager.locationServicesEnabled() {
switch CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus() {
case .NotDetermined, .Restricted, .Denied:
print("No access")
case .AuthorizedAlways, .AuthorizedWhenInUse:
} else {
print("Location services are not enabled")

Swift 4.x version:

if CLLocationManager.locationServicesEnabled() {
switch CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus() {
case .notDetermined, .restricted, .denied:
print("No access")
case .authorizedAlways, .authorizedWhenInUse:
} else {
print("Location services are not enabled")

Swift 5.1 version

if CLLocationManager.locationServicesEnabled() {
switch CLLocationManager.authorizationStatus() {
case .notDetermined, .restricted, .denied:
print("No access")
case .authorizedAlways, .authorizedWhenInUse:
@unknown default:
} else {
print("Location services are not enabled")

iOS 14.x

In iOS 14 you will get the following error message:
authorizationStatus() was deprecated in iOS 14.0
To solve this, use the following:
private let locationManager = CLLocationManager()

if CLLocationManager.locationServicesEnabled() {
switch locationManager.authorizationStatus {
case .notDetermined, .restricted, .denied:
print("No access")
case .authorizedAlways, .authorizedWhenInUse:
@unknown default:
} else {
print("Location services are not enabled")

Check of Location permissions set

You can do something like this :

func checkLocationPermissionEnabled()
if CLLocationManager.locationServicesEnabled()
case .notDetermined, .restricted, .denied:
case .authorizedAlways, .authorizedWhenInUse:
//do whatever you want to do with location

func openDeviceLocationSetting()
let alertController = UIAlertController(title: "", message:"For best results, let your device turn on location using Google's location service.", preferredStyle: .alert)
let okAction = UIAlertAction(title: "OK", style: UIAlertActionStyle.default) {
UIAlertAction in
self.isAlertShowing = false
let settingsUrl = NSURL(string: UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString)
if let url = settingsUrl {
UIApplication.shared.openURL(url as URL)
let cancelAction = UIAlertAction(title: "Cancel", style: UIAlertActionStyle.default) {
UIAlertAction in

self.present(alertController, animated: true, completion: nil)

How to check location authorization status at the click of a button in iOS 14?

You're code works - but have you remembered to add the privacy usage descriptions to the info.plist file?

Add these two entries in the file with your own explanation in the value field, then it should popup in the simulator:

  • Privacy - Location Always and When In Use Usage Description
  • Privacy - Location When In Use Usage Description

How to force 'always' location access in iOS app

A few observations about this flow where we request “when in use” first, and when that's granted, only then request “always” (as discussed in WWDC 2020 What's New in Location):

  1. Make sure you run this on a device, not the simulator. You may not see the subsequent “upgrade ‘when-in-use’ to ‘always’” permission alert when using a simulator.

  2. This feature was introduced in iOS 13.4. Make sure you are not attempting this on an earlier iOS 13 version. On those earlier versions, you won’t see the second alert to upgrade to “always”.

  3. Make sure you don’t have a lingering requestAlwaysAuthorization elsewhere in your code-base that might have put the app in a “provisional always” state. Once in provisional state, you are locked into the provisional flow of 13.0.

I know it isn’t what you’re looking for, but for the sake of future readers, the alternative to the above is the simpler “provisional always” flow introduced in iOS 13.0 (outlined in WWDC 2019's What's New in Core Location). You just call requestAlwaysAuthorization (never calling requestWhenInUseAuthorization). Apple's intent here was to let the user better reason about what’s going on, showing the “when in use” alert while the app is in use and automatically showing the “always” upgrade alert when location services are used while the app isn't running.

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