Cannot Assign a Value of Type "String" to Type "Uilabel" in Swift

Cannot assign value of type String to type UILabel

You need to pass the String instead of setting text to label, because when you correct it and set like this sendToDetailViewController.messageLabelDos.text = sendingText, you will get nil error because messageLabelDos is not initialize yet, so try like this. Create one string instance in DetailViewController and use that inside prepareForSegue for passing String and then use that String instance in viewDidLoad to assign Label to text.

class ViewController: UIViewController { 

//Your other methods

func prepareForSegue(segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: AnyObject?) {
if segue.identifier == "SendDataSegue" {
if let sendToDetailViewController = segue.destinationViewController as? DetailViewController {
var sendingText = metadataObj.stringValue
sendToDetailViewController.messageDos = sendingText

Inside DetailViewController

var messageDos: String = ""

override func viewDidLoad() {
self.messageLabelDos.text = messageDos

Cannot assign value of type 'String?' to type 'UILabel?'

Change this

self.resultLabel = svc.label.text


self.resultLabel.text = svc.label.text

Cannot assign value of type 'String?' OR 'Int' to type 'UILabel?'

You need to assign it to text property of UILabel

if let boards = self.boards {
let model = boards[indexPath.row]
cell.txtTitle.text = model.b_title
cell.txtUserId.text = model.userId
cell.txtConut.text = String(model.b_count ?? 0)
cell.txtSaveTime.text = String(model.b_date ?? 0)
cell.txtComment.text = String(model.commentCount ?? 0)

Cannot assign value of type 'String' to type 'UILabel?'

If your label is declared as a Label?, try:

if let realLabel = label {
realLabel.text = " "
} else {
print("There is no label")

Cannot assign value of type 'String' to type 'UILabel'

Actually you would have to write

detail.lblName.text = name[indexPath.row] 

but this will cause a crash. Assign the value to the name property = name[indexPath.row] 

Trying to pass the value of a label but receiving an error 'Cannot assign value of type 'Organizations?' to type 'String'

The error is telling you why. You’re trying to assign the organization to the variable that wants a string.

You want to assign it to the actual organization inside the detailController

Or assign the string value to one of the row titles or whatever value you want to show.

organizationName = selectedOrganization.rowTitles[indexPath.row]

For a cleaner detail I would use the didSetoption inside your detail view controller

Class DetailViewController:UIViewController {
var organization:Organizations? = nil
var selectedRow: Int = 0

func viewDidLoad() {

private func setupLabel() {
guard let org = self.organization else {
print(“no organization set”)
self.organizationLabel.text = org.rowTitles[selectedRow]

Then in your tableView VC I would just assign the selected organization to the variable in the detail

So you could add another variable that holds the selected row alongside your selectedOrganization in your tableView controller in your didSelectRow func, set the variable to the selected row and you should be good to go

var selectedRow = 0

override func prepare(for segue: UIStoryboardSegue, sender: Any?) {
if let destination = segue.destination as? OrganizationsDetailViewController {
destination.organization= selectedOrganizations
destination.selectedRow = selectedRow

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