Allow Full Access Check in Keyboards iOS10

How to properly check if user has enabled Allow Full Access to custom keyboard extension

this is what I use in my code in swift

var hasAccess: Bool {
if #available(iOSApplicationExtension 11.0, *) {
return self.hasFullAccess
} else {
return UIDevice.current.identifierForVendor != nil

iOS 8: Does Allow full access allows the developer to access keystrokes from other keyboards?

"Allow full access" enables a keyboard extension to talk to it's host application, and visa versa.

For example, if I have my KeyboardApp, and this provides a Keyboard extension:

  • Allow Full Access: KeyboardApp is able to view data generated by the Keyboard extension, and send data back to the extension.

    For example, if I type in "Stac", Keyboard sends this to KeyboardApp, KeyboardApp can perform a web request, and then recognize that this should mean "StackOverflow". KeyboardApp sends that result back to Keyboard to autocomplete.

  • Without Full Access: KeyboardApp cannot talk to Keyboard, and visa versa. This means the application cannot provide additional support to the extension; the extension has to do all the hard work.

    For example: The ability to swipe between keys to type doesn't need KeyboardApp to work, that functionality can be fully contained within the extension. This means it would work without "Allow Full Access" being enabled. Any fancy autocomplete though would not be possible, as Keyboard would need to talk to KeyboardApp to get that information (because Keyboard doesn't have internet access)

This is a very basic example, but demonstrates the point. Also, an extension can only communicate with it's host application, it cannot talk to other applications directly. This means other keyboards and their respective host apps cannot snoop on data typed using a keyboard that's not their own.

Apple does have documentation regarding this in the App Extension Programming Guide. There are two areas you should look at, firstly is how App Extensions work (and how they can't talk to other applications directly):

And also information regarding custom keyboards and Allow Full Access (with the key for Full Access being RequestsOpenAccess):

How can I check does my ios8 custom keyboard extension have open access?

There is no API, but if you have app group access enabled, you can try to check if you are able to read/write to the folder. It should give you a permission error access is not enabled.

Open phone settings when button is clicked in my app

Swift 3 iOS 10

let settingsUrl = NSURL(string:UIApplicationOpenSettingsURLString) as! URL, options: [:], completionHandler: nil)

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