Bypass Code Signing with Xcode 6

Bypass code signing with Xcode 6

  1. Install AppSync Unified on device from repo
  2. Open /Applications/
  3. Change value of parameter AD_HOC_CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED to YES
  4. Change value of parameter CODE_SIGNING_REQUIRED to NO
  5. Restart XCode
  6. Set "Code Signing Identity" parameter in "Build settings" (Both "Target" and "Project") to "Ad Hoc Code Sign"
  7. Add new "Property List" file to your project with name "Entitlements.plist"
  8. Add "Can be debugged" parameter with value "YES" to Entitlements.plist
  9. Set "Code Signing Entitlements" parameter in "Build settings" (Both "Target" and "Project") to "Entitlements.plist"

For XCode 6.4 need to do some additional things:

  1. Go to "Info" tab in "Target" and copy value of "Bundle identifier"
  2. Add "application-identifier" parameter with recently copied value to Entitlements.plist


How can I skip code signing for development builds in Xcode?

To turn the code signing off, go to your project and target "Build Settings", search for "Code Signing Identity" change its value to "Don't Code Sign" in both of them.

To make this effective you need to change this value in the Project and all of the Targets separately.

Xcode 4.3.2 bypass code signing

Found it! the plist is located at


i assume its the same steps as have not tested it yet.

EDIT: Tested it, and it worked. :)

Xcode ios app development code signing

I had the same problem and basically did like posted in the comment:

  • Remove my account at Xcode / Preferences at the top right.
  • open keychain. At the left "my certificates": Delete the Mac or iPhone etc Developer certificate.
  • just starting Xcode again and creating a new account like one did when starting Xcode for the first time.

Building iOS applications using xcodebuild without codesign

In order to skip the code signing you can perform a manual build from the console like this:


Additionally, use the -configuration, -target and -sdk parameters in order to define your build settings.

Refer to this Stack Overflow answer in order to get a detailed description on how to disable code-signing inside Xcode.

Xcode error: Code signing is required for product type 'Application' in SDK 'iOS 10.0'

With Xcode-8.1 & iOS-10.1

  1. Add your Apple ID in Xcode Preferences > Accounts > Add Apple ID:

Step 1

  1. Enable signing to Automatically && Select Team that you have created before:

Step 2

  1. Change the Bundle Identifier:

Step 3

  1. Code Signing to iOS Developer:

Step 4

  1. Provision profile to Automatic:

Step 5

You can now run your project on a device!

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