Alamofire Multipart Upload Post Error in Swift

Alamofire Multipart image upload failed

You are sending wrong filename in request.

Alamofire.upload(multipartFormData: { multipartFormData in
multipartFormData.append(d1, withName: "club_image",fileName: "file.jpg", mimeType: "image/jpg")// d1 in let d1 = UIImageJPEGRepresentation(uiimage, 1)
{ (result) in
switch result {
case .success(let upload, _, _):

upload.uploadProgress(closure: { (progress) in
print("Upload Progress: \(progress.fractionCompleted)")

upload.responseJSON { response in

case .failure(let encodingError):

Uploading an image with Alamofire not succeeding

You are sending ID parameter along with the Image. So try to use utf8 encoding.

 multipartFormData.append( .utf8)!, withName: "id")

I'm trying to upload an array of images using Alamofire but getting error

You need to convert the image to data

imagesArray.indices.forEach {
multipartFormData.append(imagesArray[$0].jpegData(compressionQuality:0.8)!, withName: "photo[\($0)]", fileName: "photo\($0).jpeg", mimeType: "image/jpeg")

Alamofire multipart upload post error in Swift

I had the same problem , as Michal said it's an installation issue if you are using cocoapods go to your project files/pods/Alamofires/Source and make sure you have 9 files there just like this image and make sure that the MultipartFormData.swift file is there

Sample Image

if you are not using cocoapods just open the Alamofire folder and go to source folder and make sure you have the same files there too

if you didn't find MultipartFormData.swift that means that your Alamofire version does not support MultipartFormData then you will need to get the latest version from here Alamofire or if you use cocoapods you will have to update the line of Alamofire pod on podfile to be like this

platform :ios, '8.0'

target 'ProjectName' do

pod 'Alamofire', :git => '', :branch => 'master'

target 'ProjectNameTests' do

after updating your pod file you need to run this command to update the cocoapods project

pod install --verbose

Alamofire Multipart request

Multipart Request using almofire

Data send into multipart

struct AGImageInfo {
var fileName: String
var type: String
var data: Data


let header: HTTPHeaders = [

let parameters: Parameters = [
"someParam": "value",
"Image": AGImageInfo(fileName: "nameOfImage.jpeg", type: "image/jpeg", data: #imageLiteral(resourceName: "TO").toData()!)

Alamofire.upload(multipartFormData: { (multipartFormData) in

for (key, value) in parameters {
if let imageData = value as? AGImageInfo {
multipartFormData.append(, withName: key, fileName: imageData.fileName, mimeType: imageData.type)
multipartFormData.append(((value as AnyObject).data(using: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue))!, withName: key)

}, to: "URL", method: .post, headers: header) { (result) in

switch result {
case .success(let upload, _, _):

upload.responseJSON { response in
switch response.result {
case .success(let value):

case .failure(let error):

case .failure(let error):

Swift Alamofire multipart form data URLRequest has no member failure

The Alamofire 5.0 migration document says this:

MultipartFormData’s API has changed and the top level upload methods to create and upload MultipartFormData have been updated to match other request APIs, so it’s not longer necessary to deal with the Result of the multipart encoding.


The code that you're using looks to be from an earlier version. In 5.0, the trailing closure uses a URLRequest as its parameter (explaining the errors that you're seeing).

The Usage guide ( provides this as an example of uploading multipart form data:

AF.upload(multipartFormData: { multipartFormData in
multipartFormData.append(Data("one".utf8), withName: "one")
multipartFormData.append(Data("two".utf8), withName: "two")
}, to: "")
.responseDecodable(of: HTTPBinResponse.self) { response in

(HTTPBinResponse is an example of a Decodable that you can replace with your own).

Besides responseDecodable, it looks like you can also use responseJSON, responseData, responseString etc.

Note that all of these are appended with a . after the closing ) of the call -- not as a trailing closure.

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