Using "Margin: 0 Auto;" in Internet Explorer 8

Using margin: 0 auto; in Internet Explorer 8

It is a bug in IE8.

Starting with your second question: “margin: 0 auto” centers a block, but only when width of the block is set to be less that width of parent. Usually, they get to be the same. That is why text in the example below is not centered.

<div style="height: 100px; width: 500px; background-color: Yellow;">    
<b style="display: block; margin: 0 auto; ">text</b>

Once the display style of the b element is set to block, its width defaults to the parents width. CSS spec 10.3.3 Block-level, non-replaced elements in normal flow describes how: “If 'width' is set to 'auto', any other 'auto' values become '0' and 'width' follows from the resulting equality.” The equality mentioned there is

'margin-left' + 'border-left-width' + 'padding-left' + 'width' + 'padding-right' + 'border-right-width' + 'margin-right' = width of containing block

So, normally all autos result in a block width being equal to the width of containing block.

However, this calculation should not be applied to INPUT, which is a replaced element. Replaced elements are covered by 10.3.4 Block-level, replaced elements in normal flow. Text there says: “The used value of 'width' is determined as for inline replaced elements.” The relevant part of 10.3.2 Inline, replaced elements is: “if 'width' has a computed value of 'auto', and the element has an intrinsic width, then that intrinsic width is the used value of 'width'”.

I guess that the scenario CSS cares about is IMG element. Stackoverflow logo in this example will be centered by all browsers.

<div style="height: 100px; width: 500px; background-color: Yellow;">    
<img style="display: block; margin: 0 auto; " border="0" src="" alt="Sample Image">

INPUT element should behave the same way.

What does auto do in margin: 0 auto?

When you have specified a width on the object that you have applied margin: 0 auto to, the object will sit centrally within it's parent container.

Specifying auto as the second parameter basically tells the browser to automatically determine the left and right margins itself, which it does by setting them equally. It guarantees that the left and right margins will be set to the same size. The first parameter 0 indicates that the top and bottom margins will both be set to 0.

margin-top: 0;
margin-bottom: 0;
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;

Therefore, to give you an example, if the parent is 100px and the child is 50px, then the auto property will determine that there's 50px of free space to share between margin-left and margin-right:

var freeSpace = 100 - 50;
var equalShare = freeSpace / 2;

Which would give:

margin-left: 25;
margin-right: 25;

Have a look at this jsFiddle. You do not have to specify the parent width, only the width of the child object.

div does not get centered using margin: auto in IE9

Isolate the centering from the floating

This affects IE9/10.

It works fine if the floated element is removed, or if width is used instead of max-width. The presence of floated content, combined with the use of margin:auto and max-width instead of width, appears to be confusing IE9+.

To fix this, put the centered content in a wrapper div, so that the centering of the content can be separated from the floating of the sidebar. In other words, too much is happening layout-wise in a single div, more than IE9+ can handle. So split up the #content div into two separate divs.

#header {    height: 50px;    padding: 1em;    background: #224444;    color: #fff;}
#content-wrapper { overflow: hidden;}#content { max-width: 400px; margin: auto; padding: 1em; background: #ddd; height: 300px;}
#sidebar { float: right; width: 200px; padding: 1em; background: #aaa; height: 300px;}
<div id="container">    <div id="header">        PAGE HEADER    </div>    <div id="sidebar">        Sidebar    </div>    <div id="content-wrapper">        <div id="content">            Centered Content        </div>    </div></div>

Flexbox, min-height, margin auto and Internet Explorer

This is a bug in IE's flexbox implementation:

In all other browsers that support flexbox, a flex-direction:column based flex container will honor the containers min-height to calculate flex-grow lengths. In IE10 & 11-preview it only seems to work with an explicit height value.

Bug report - (

It appears that this is on Microsoft's radar and will be fixed some point in the future:

Unfortunately, we are not able to address this feedback in our upcoming release. We will consider your feedback for a future release. We will keep this connect feedback bug active to track this request.

Reply from Microsoft - (

For now the simple solution is to use height:

.wrapper {  border: 1px solid grey;  box-sizing: border-box;  display: flex;  flex-direction: column;  height: 300px;  padding: 5px;}.element {  border: 1px solid grey;  height: 35px;  margin: 5px;}.element:last-child {  margin-top: auto;}
<div class="wrapper">  <div class="element"></div>  <div class="element"></div>  <div class="element"></div>  <div class="element"></div></div>

IE8 ignores absolute positioning and margin:auto

I found out what's going on, and it's not the doctype, nor anything about the code that needs changes.

It's that jsbin's edit page doesn't support IE8 - the exact same demo viewed in full* is styled correctly in IE8.

In edit mode, jsbin seems to apply quirks mode or something odd like that when viewed in IE9 with IE8 browser mode and IE8 document standards. Surprisingly, the demo also works with IE7 browser mode and document standards (quirks mode off).

*the link goes to a later revision, but the only change was to remove all the attributes from the <html> tag - I had added these for testing. So, the demo is fine without those attributes, and with the html5 doctype.

Internet Explorer - img width not taking effect?

It looks like in your bootstrap.min.css there is a default class from img. that has the property width:auto;

If this is removed it will display properly in IE.

Additionally just adding

 width: 300px;

in your style along with the margin, will correct the issue.

How to fix Internet explorer 7 bug when using percentage widths for layout?

The problem is sub-pixel rounding. When you are designing with percentages there will be times that the math doesn't result in full pixels (70% of 721px is 504.7px). 721 is arbitrary, but using percentages you'll run into arbitrary numbers. There's no avoiding that. Most browsers figure out a rounding solution for you that doesn't break the layout. IE7 (and older) simply round up. Rounding up, your container width at 721px will include one box at 505px and another at 217px for a total of 722px - more than 100%. At that point IE decides the second box can't fit and drops it below.

There are various solutions depending on your situation. Nicole Sullivan has an interesting solution based on using 'overflow: hidden;' on your last column rather than a float/width combination. I use it when I can. Check it out here:

The other solution that I've found when 'overflow' just wont cut it is to add a small negative margin to the last element in a row. If you are floating left, add a several pixel negative margin on the right. Floating right, add it to the left. I haven't run into any negative effects from that (though I'd be glad to hear if others do).

Hope that helps. Cheers.

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