Strip All HTML Tags Except Links

Strip all HTML tags except links


Try this. Had something similar for p tags. Worked for them so don't see why not. Uses negative lookahead to check that it doesn't match a (prefixed with an optional / character) where (using positive lookahead) a (with optional / prefix) is followed by a > or a space, stuff and then >. This then matches up until the next > character. Put this in a subst with


This should leave only the opening and closing a tags

Strip all HTML tags, except allowed

strip_tags() does exactly this.

Javascript replace regex all html tags except p,a and img

You may match the tags to keep in a capture group and then, using alternation, all other tags. Then replace with $1:



And the JavaScript demo:

var input = 'b<body>b a<a>a h1<h1>h1 p<p>p p</p>p img<img />img';

var output = input.replace(/(<\/?(?:a|p|img)[^>]*>)|<[^>]+>/ig, '$1');


Strip all HTML tags, except anchor tags

I suggest you use Html Agility Pack

also check this question/answers: HTML Agility Pack strip tags NOT IN whitelist

Strip all HTML tags except certain ones?

<((?!p\s).)*?> will give you all tags except the paragraphs. So your program could delete all matches of this regex and replace the rest of the tags (all p's) with empty paragraph tags. (<p .*?> regex for receiving all p-tags)

How can I Strip all regular html tags except a /a , img (attributes inside) and br with javascript?

Does this do what you want?

$("body").find("*").not("a,img,br").each(function() {

Basically select everything except a, img, br and replace them with their content.

jQuery remove all HTML tags EXCEPT Anchors

this.html(this.html().replace(/<\/?([b-z]+)[^>]*>/gi, function(match, tag) { 
return (tag === "a") ? match : "";

If you are looking at leaving the "a" tags in place, change the regular expression from [a-z] to [b-z]

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