Scale Svg to Container Without Mask/Crop

Scale SVG to container without mask/crop

  1. You absolutely must have a viewBox attribute on your SVG element that describes the bounding box of the contents you want to be always visible. (The file that you link to does not; you'll want to add one.)

  2. To cause your SVG to fill an HTML element, put the CSS attribute position:relative (or position:absolute or position:fixed if appropriate) on your wrapper, and then

  3. Set the CSS attribute position:absolute on your <svg> element to cause it to sit inside and fill your div. (If necessary, also apply left:0; top:0; width:100%; height:100%.)

Once you have a viewBox and your SVG sized correctly the default value of the preserveAspectRatio attribute will do what you want. In particular, the default of xMidYMid meet means that:

  • The aspect ratio described by your viewBox will be preserved when rendering.

    By comparison, a value of none would allow non-uniform scaling.
  • The viewBox will always meet either top/bottom or left/right, with 'letterboxing' keeping the other dimension inside.

    By comparison, a value of slice ensures that your viewBox fully fills the rendering, with either the top/bottom or left/right falling outside the SVG.
  • The viewBox will be kept vertically and horizontally centered within the SVG viewport.

    By comparison, a value of xMinYMax would keep it in the bottom-left corner, with padding only to the right or top.

You can see this live here:

Try specifying explicit values for preserveAspectRatio on the <svg> element and press "Update" to see how they affect the rendering.

Edit: I've created a simplified version of the US Map with a viewBox (almost half the bytes) and used that in an updated demo to suit your exact needs:

My SVG won't scale

It seems to work for me (at least in Firefox) if I use an image tag pointing to an SVG, with the following CSS used:-

#container img {
width: 100%;
max-height: 100%;

Where container is a flexible div constraining the size of the SVG (this could be your table cell). The SVG is filling the width of the container, with proportions kept in pro, but if the container gets too wide the max-height kicks in and restricts the height of the SVG as expected without stretching.

How to crop SVG file within HTML/CSS


You can crop the image by using negative margins and fixing the size of the parent element:

CSS Display an Image Resized and Cropped


Not only can you display an svg directly in html:

<svg viewBox="0 0 100 100" height="150px" width="150px">  <rect x="10" y="10" rx="5" width="80" height="80" fill="pink" stroke="green" stroke-width="5"/></svg>

SVG viewbox overflow: hidden / crop

You can use the rectangle as a <clipPath>:

<rect id="rect" width="100%" height="100%" fill="none" stroke="blue" />
<clipPath id="clip">
<use xlink:href="#rect"/>

and then apply it to a <g> element which contains your text (and anything else you want to clip:

<g clip-path="url(#clip)">
<text y="10" x="10%" width="10%" height="200%" fill="#000" font-size="30">Only the part inside the viewBox should be visible</text>

Since the <rect> was used only to shape the clipPath, you have to redraw it:

<use xlink:href="#rect"/>

Updated fiddle

Scale element to parent height, keeping its ratio, but keep its position relative

The simplest option is probably to use display: flex and use background-image for the SVG.

.heading {  display: flex;}
.heading h1 { margin: 0;}
.heading .img { flex: 1 1 auto; background: url( no-repeat;}
<div class="heading">  <h1>HEADLINE</h1>  <div class="img"></div></div>
<div class="heading"> <h1>WRAPPED<br/>HEADLINE</h1> <div class="img"></div></div>

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